History of Australia

  • The "Discovery" of Australia

    The "Discovery" of Australia
    James Cook "discovered" Australia and claimed it for the British, naming a portion of it New South Wales.
  • "First Fleet"

    "First Fleet"
    The British decide to make Australia a penal colony, and they send their "First Fleet" of ships filled with prisoners to the continent.
  • The Naming of Australia

    The Naming of Australia
    Prior to this point, Australia was known as New Holland.
  • Women can Vote and be Elected!

    Women can Vote and be Elected!
    South Australia became the first Australian colony, and the second place in the world, to grant women the right to vote, as well as the first parliament ever to allow women to stand for office.
  • White Australia

    White Australia
    The policy known as White Australia that restricted non-European migration to Australia is established in the country.
  • Canberra is Established

    Canberra is Established
    The city of Canberra in the New South Wales portion of Australia is founded and designated as the capital of Australia.
  • War Effort

    War Effort
    Australia follow's in Britain's footsteps and declares war on Nazi Germany.
  • The Introduction of Penicillin

    The Introduction of Penicillin
    Howard Florey and his team of scientists develop Penicillin.
  • Welcome to the UN!

    Welcome to the UN!
    Australia becomes a founding member of the United Nations.
  • End of White Australia

    End of White Australia
    The legal end of the White Australia was when the government implemented a bunch of amendments preventing the enforcement of racial parts of the immigration law.