
History of Australia

  • Captain James Cook's Arrival in Australia

    Captain James Cook's Arrival in Australia
    After circumnavigating New Zealand, Cook's expedition sailed west for Tasmania but winds forced the Endeavor north and the expedition came upon the east coast of Australia in April 1770. For the next four months, Cook mapped the east coast from Eden to the Gulf of Carpentaria. At a brief and simple ceremony at Botany Bay, Cook named the entire east coast of Australia New South Wales.
  • The First Fleet Arrives at Botany Bay

    The First Fleet Arrives at Botany Bay
    The First Fleet of 11 ships left Portsmouth in 1787 with more than 1,480 men, women and children on board. Although most were British, there were also African, American and French convicts. After a voyage of three months the First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay on January 24, 1788.
  • Assisted Immigration was Introduced

    Assisted Immigration was Introduced
    Convicts and settlers who came to Australia found that in comparison to Europe, conditions were very good and with hard work and determination they could prosper. They encouraged their relatives in England to come to Australia and enjoy the prosperity. Women migrants were also assisted to curb a gender imbalance in the colonies, to work as domestic servants and to foster marriages and childbirth. These migration schemes resulted in 58,000 people coming to Australia between 1815 and 840.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Gold is found at several locations leading to gold rushes throughout the decade. The population increases three-fold in 10 years to pass the million mark. An influx of Chinese leads to restrictions on their entry. Aborigines are treated very badly and their numbers collapse.
  • Government Officials Establish Boundaries

    Government Officials Establish Boundaries
    In 1861 British government officials created boundaries for the colonies in Australia. These boundaries are still implemented in modern day Australia. The boundaries include Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South America, New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania.
  • Aborigines Protection Act of 1886

    Aborigines Protection Act of 1886
    The Aborigines Protection Act 1886 was passed on 2 September 1886 and commenced on 1 January 1887. The full title of the Act is 'An Act to provide for the better protection and management of the Aboriginal Natives of Western Australia, and to amend the Law relating to certain Contracts with such Aboriginal Natives'. This Act established the Aborigines Protection Board and enabled the appointment of Protectors of Aborigines.
  • Commonwealth of Australia is Established

    Commonwealth of Australia is Established
    Australia became an independent nation on January 1, 1901, when the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia was established as a constitional monarchy.
  • Immigration Restriction Act of 1901

    Immigration Restriction Act of 1901
    The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 was an act of the Parliament of Australia which limited immigration to Australia and formed the basis of the White Australia policy which sought to exclude all non-Europeans from Australia.
  • Word War I Outbreak

    Word War I Outbreak
    The outbreak of World War I. Australia commits hundreds of thousands of troops to the British war effort. Their participation - alongside New Zealanders - in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey in 1915 leads to heavy casualties. The Gallipoli landings help cement a sense of identity in the young nation.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression following the Wall Street Crash hits Australia hard. Recovery is uneven, and the Labor government is defeated in the election in 1931. The Australian economy collapsed and unemployment reached a peak of 32 per cent in 1932.It took Australia almost a decade to recover from the Great Depression.