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History of Australia

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    Aborigines Arrive

    Aborigines Arrive
    Aborigines- meaning "here from the beginning" are the indigenous people whom first populated Australia. They arrived from Southeast Asia and have occupied Australia for around 40,000 years.
  • First Europeans to Sail to Australia

    First Europeans to Sail to Australia
    The first Europeans to sail to Australia were the Dutch (Netherlands), but they did not settle there. The Dutch made one landing, but were attacked by the Aborigines and ultimately decided to abandon further exploration.
  • Captain James Cook Sailed Around Australia

    Captain James Cook Sailed Around Australia
    Cook named the area "New South Wales." He ignored the aborigines living there and claimed the land for England.
  • Australian Prisoners

    Australian Prisoners
    American Revolution forced Britain to stop using Georgia (a colony in the United States) as a place to send their convicts. Australia seemed like a good choice: no chance of escape, no colonies around, and very few indigenous people.
  • Europeans Arrive in Australia

    Europeans Arrive in Australia
    "First Fleet" left England with convicts to establish a penal colony. British prisoners settled in Australia. Before their arrival, around 500,000 Aborigines lived in Australia.
  • Europeans vs. Aborigines War

    Europeans vs. Aborigines War
    Aborigines lived on Australia's coast, where Europeans wanted to settle. The Europeans soon waged war against the Aborigines to take over their land.
  • Effects of War

    Effects of War
    The Europeans had major advantages against the Aborigines that helped them win the war.
    1) they had guns
    2) they had soldiers
    3) (the MAJOR one) they had disesases
    More than 1/2 of the Aborigines died
    Entire Aboriginal population in Tasmania died
  • Aborigines Reserves

    Aborigines Reserves
    The remnants of Aborigines tribes in the settled area were moved to reserves, where they were forbidden from teaching their language and customs.
  • Government Officials Created Boundaries for the Colonies

    Government Officials Created Boundaries for the Colonies
    This is still in place today.
  • British Stop Transporting Prisoners to Australia

    British Stop Transporting Prisoners to Australia
    British transported prisoners to Australia until 1868. By this time, many free immigrants had settled there, having built businesses, trading posts, farms, etc.
  • Aborigines Separation

    Aborigines Separation
    Separation became an official government policy, which lasted for many decades.
  • The Commonwealth of Australia

    The Commonwealth of Australia
    Melbourne served as the national capital until Canberra was completed in 1927.
  • "White Australia" Immigrant Restriction Act

    "White Australia" Immigrant Restriction Act
    Originally, Australia promoted a policy called "White Australia".
    The Immigrant Restriction Act of 1901 restricted migration to people primarily of European descent.
  • "White Australia" Dismantled

    "White Australia" Dismantled
    The "White Australia" policy was dismantled after WWII. Because of this, today Australia has a global, non-discriminatory policy and is home to people from more than 200 countries.
  • Helping the Aborigines

    Helping the Aborigines
    The federal government began to pass legislation to help the aborigines. It was the granting of the Australian peoples' wish to improve the living conditions of the aborigines.
  • Australia Act

    Australia Act
    All legal ties with the British Empire were severed.
  • Independent Republic

    Independent Republic
    55% of voters rejected the idea of Australia becoming an independent republic.
  • Archaeologists Find Early Aboriginal Art

    Archaeologists Find Early Aboriginal Art
    Archaeologists have found early Aboriginal inventions, such as
    -Rock Art
    -Ground Axes
    -Grindstones Some of these inventions are still used in the modern world today. (ex. boomerangs)
  • Today

    Today, many aboriginal people living in Australia do not know of their origins, such as which tribe they descended from and the names of their parents and grandparents. They are described as a "lost generation."