Sail to Australia
The Dutch were the first Europeans to sail to Australia, but they didn't settle there. Once they were attacked by the Aborigines they abandoned any further exploration. -
Captain James Cook
Captain James Cook sailed around Australia, named it New South Wales, ignored the Aborigines, and claimed the land for England. -
"First Fleet"
The British got all convicts of England on a boat and established a prison colony in Australia and shipped all of them there. -
The British people finally settled in Australia. -
Officially a Prison
New South Wales was finally a prison and the colony consisted of mainly convicts, marines, and their families -
Hard Place
Port Arthur, Tasmania was the destination for the hardest convicts to be sent from 1833 to 1850. -
Free Immigrants
The British transported people until 1868, now there are many free immigrants were settled in there, and they built many new things. -
Federal government began to pass legislation to help the Aborigines -
Australia Act
All the legal tie they had with the British emperor are now cut. -
55% of people voted to not become independent.