Democritus Atom
Democritus, known as father of science. Democritus was Greek and was born in Abdera into a wealthy family. Democritus discovered the atom, the first atomic theory. Democritus said everything is made up of atoms. An atom in Greek means "cut". Democritus died in 370 bc. -
John Dalton
John Dalton was an English chemist from Cumberland, United Kingdom. John Dalton is best known for his reasearch in the modern atomic theory and color blindness. Dalton started out as a school teacher but later wrote his own book titled Meteorological Observations. This book contained Charles law and the chemical Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier. Dalton won the Royal Medal for his book and hard work. He later died on July 27, 1844 in Manchester, United Kingdom. -
Joseph John (JJ) Thomson
JJ Thomson was born in Manchester, United Kingdom. Thomson was known for discovering that cathode rays were made up of a unknown negative charged particle. Later in life JJ Tomson was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize, Noble Prize in Physics, Copely Metal, Royal Medal, and more. -
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford, known as father of nuclear science, was born in Brightwater New Zeland. Rutherford won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908. Rutherford said that Tomson's atomic model was incorrect. He was known for using gold foil to test the posotive charge in the center or nucleus of the atom and most of the atom was enpty space. His model is often referred to as planetary as in planetarium. -
Niles Bhor
Niles Bhor was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bhor was most known for his discovery of the quantum theory and won the Nobel Prize in 1912. Bhor later died on November 18, 1962 in Copenhagen, Denmark. -
James Chadwick
James Chadwick was born in Bollington, United Kingdom. Chadwick was given the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935 for his discovery in 1932 called the nuetron. He was head of all the British scientists in the Manhattan Project during World War II in 1939. Chadwick then died on July 24, 1974.