
History of Atomic Theory Raymond Jones

  • 460

    Democritus(460 B.C-370 B.C.)discovers the atom

    Democritus(460 B.C-370 B.C.)discovers the atom
    Democritus was a Greek philosopher who was given credit for calling particles atoms. The word atoms comes from the Greek word "atomos" which means cannot be divided. Democritus believed that atoms where infinite in number, always moving, they could divide with other atoms, and each substance had atoms of very unique shape and size.
  • John Dalton(1766-1844) bases his theory on experiments

    John Dalton(1766-1844) bases his theory on experiments
    Dalton believed that all matter is made of atoms and that atoms cannot be destroyed and are invisible. He belived that all atoms where identical in mass and properties
  • Joseph John Thompson(1856-1940)won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

    Joseph John Thompson(1856-1940)won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
    Thompson was the first scientist to discover that atoms consisted of smaller particles than atoms (subatomic particles or sub-below). Discoverd the negative particles called elections. He also proposed a model similar to chocalate-chip-cookie (plum pudding). He experimented with a device called a Cathole Ray tube.
  • Ernest Rutherford(1871-1937)wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

    Ernest Rutherford(1871-1937)wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
    Rutherford was well known not only for his Nobel Prize, but one of the things that helped him at getting it for sure, discovering the Nucleus and that the positive charge was located in the Nucleus. He also was a former student of J.J. Thompson and proved that Thompson's atomic model was incorrect. His model was called a planetary model.
  • Neils Bohr(1885-1962)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics.

    Neils Bohr(1885-1962)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics.
    Bohr discoverd that electrons with low energy would orbit closer to the nucleus while electrons with high energy orbit further from the nuclues. His model was based on mathmatics and experimentation.
  • Louis de Broglie(1892-1987)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics.

    Louis de Broglie(1892-1987)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics.
    Personal BioNobel Prize Biographical
    Brogile discoverd the wave nature of electrons. During this time period in the early 1920's wave and particle interuptions of light and matter seemed like bigs odds between each other, but de Brogile believed that different characteristics had the same behavior just observed from different perspectives.
  • Erwin Schrödinger(1887-1961)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics

    Erwin Schrödinger(1887-1961)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics
    Story of Schrodinger's Life
    Schrödinger believed that electrons absorb radiation of fixed wavelengths when jumping between the fixed orbits around a nucleus. He formulated a wave-equation that accurately gave the energy levels of atoms in 1926.
  • James Chadwick(1891-1974)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics

    James Chadwick(1891-1974)wins the Nobel Prize in Physics
    Nobel Prize BiographicalChadwick won the Nobel Prize in Physics becuase of his discovery of nuetron particles that are neutral between protons and electrons. His discovery of the Neutron comfirmed a prediction by Rutherford had made.