History of Atom Timeline

  • 460 BCE


    Known as a central figure in development in the atomic theory
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Chemist Big development in atomic theory.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    Dmitri Mendeleev
    A Russian chemist who developed the periotic table.
  • Eugen Goldstein

    Eugen Goldstein
    known for his electrical rays
  • J.J Thomson

    Tomson helped reinvent the knowledge of an atom's structure. He also discovered the electron and because of that, he won the noble prize.
  • Max Planck

    Max Planck
    known for making the quantum theory.
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    Got a Nobel prize for his studies in electronic charge
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    Was a central figure in the study of radioactivity and his concept of the nuclear atom.
  • Niel Bohr

    Niel Bohr
    Was the first to apply the quantum effect
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    Erwin Schrodinger
    Contributed to the theory of matter
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    A physicist that won a noble prize for discovering the neutron.
  • Werner Heisenburg

    Werner Heisenburg
    Discovered a way to formulate quantum mechanics.