
History of Atom

  • 460 BCE


    He discovered that atoms were tiny and solid and that they were always moving around. He also discovered that atoms were indestructible and indivisible.
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    John Dalton

    He discovered that all matter has atoms in it. He discovered the atomic theory - atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged but never changed.
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    Dmitri Mendeleev

    He discovered that the atoms were related to the periodic table for what was in them.
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    Eugene Goldstein

    He discovered that protons would reflect off electron atoms and attract positively charged atoms.
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    J.J. Thomson

    He discovered the electron and that it had a negative charge.
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    Max Planck

    He discovered that only certain amounts of energy could be given. He then was able to find the wavelengths of the atoms.
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    Robert Millikan

    He discovered the oil drip experiment and could find the value of the electron charge.
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    Ernest Rutherford

    He discovered that the atom had a nucleus inside. He realized this with the gold foil experiment. The nucleus is small, dense, and is positively charged.
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    Niels Bohr

    He discovered that electrons move around the nucleus but can move to different energy levels.
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    Erwin Schrodinger

    He discovered that you could use mathematical equations to find the electrons in the atom.
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    James Chadwick

    He discovered the neutrons and protons give the atom some weight. The neutron is found in the nucleus and has the same mass as a proton. The neutron has no charge.
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    Werner Heisenburg

    He discovered the theory of quantum mechanics.