History of Astronomy

  • 322 BCE


    proved earth was a sphere, and that it was the center of the universe. Also, that the stars travel in separate spheres.
  • 150 BCE

    Mariners Astrolabe

    Mariners Astrolabe
    inclinometer used to find latitude of a ship by measuring suns moon and altitude. Invented by Hipparchus.
  • Refracting Telescope

    A telescope that uses converging lens to collect light.
  • Sputnik

    Russia's launched the first satellite into space to orbit earth.
  • Yuri Gagarin (orbit)

    Yuri Gagarin (orbit)
    Yuri GAgarin was a russian soviet pilot and cosmonaut who was the first ever human to orbit earth.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    First american to orbit earth. he orbited earth 3 times.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    American astronaut who was the first person to walk on the moon with Apollo 11.
  • Apollo Missions

    Apollo Missions
    TO send people to space, and seen them back internationally.
  • First Space Shuttle Flight

    First Space Shuttle Flight
    Soared into an orbit from space station.
  • Mars Pathfinder Expedition

    Mars Pathfinder Expedition
    Go to mars, and be the first shuttle on mars.
  • Cassini Orbiter

    Cassini Orbiter
    Named after the discoverer of Saturn rings. took 30 years to collect data from Saturn and to come back.
  • Spacex

    Car launched into space. it will crash into a asteroid belt.