322 BCE
aristotle was a philosepher from 384-322 BC. he was also a scientist. he studied under the great philosopher plato. aristotle did logic mathematics and others. he is called the grand father of science he belived in a geocentric universe and that the planets and stars were perfect spear thourgh earth itself was not. aristotle is a towering figure in ancient greek. he bileved that the sun and moon orbited around the earth. aristotle belived that the earth was the center of the universe. -
168 BCE
ptolemy wrote almagest a set of astronomy manuals which catalogues the stars eclipes the moovment of the sun and moon. -
read ptolemys almagest and proposed coperican heliocentricism. -
tycho brahe
spent 20 years of his life talking the most precise measurements within 2 arc minutes -
hans lippershey
was a lens maker from germany but moved to the netherlands -
johannes kepler
tycho brahe assistant. discovered that the orbit of the planets are not circular. -
used a telescope to prove not all things revoled around the earth. -
sir isaac newton
further developed works of Copernicus and Kepler using math -
william herschel
discovered the planet uranus and its moon. he also discovered 2 saturn moons. -
percivel lowell
discovered the planet pluto and studied the canalis. -
karl jansky
discovered the ratio waves are emanting from space. -
edwin hubble
using the color of the stars discovered the universe -
albert einstein
theory of relativity 1905 and gravitation. -
russia was succsefull puting the satelight into space. -
yuri gagarin
first human to orbit earth -
john glenn
1st us citizen to orbit earth -
ejnnar hertzsprung
one of the inventors hertzsprung russel diagram -
neil armstrong
walks the moon -
apollo program
to land humans on the moon -
difference between a refracting and a reflecting telescope
a reflecting telescope is two mirrors instead of two lens. refract is water,air and glass.