322 BCE
- (born-384 bce, died 322), greek philosopher, believed Earth was round as well as the other planets and sun. believed the Earth was the center of the universe. The sun the moon and the planets orbited around the Earth.
190 BCE
-(born 190, died 120 bce). Came up with the first star catalogue. Calculated the distance between the moon and the sun. -
- (born 100 ad to died 170 ad). Also wrote the book almagest was about stars and eclipses. Made geocentric theory and ptolemaic model where the Earth is the center of the universe.
- (born 1473 died 1543). Heliocentric it’s when the earth being in the middle to the sun in the middle. Also, who came up with the scientific method steps.
Tycho Brahe
- (born 1546 and died 1601), Measured the stars in future discoveries. Wanted to establish large observations of celestial events. Known for astronomical and observations.
(born 1564, died 1642), was italian. Discovered suns spot, helped prove that the stars are not fixed to those invisible shells, the 4 main moons named after greek goticeson jupiter which names are io, europa, ganymede, and callisto. -
Hans Lippershay
(born 1570, died 1619) invented the telescope. He had 3 times magnification for his telescope. Was a lens maker from Germany. -
Johannes Kepler
(1571-1630) Brahe's assistant also discovered the orbit of the planets were oval not circular -
Giovanni cassini
(1625-1712) italian who discovered the division of the rings on Saturn. 4 of Saturn’s moon, and the rotation periods of mars and jupiter -
Sir Isaac Newton
-(1643-1724)- Further developed works of Copernicus and Kepler using math. Invented reflecting telescope -
William Herschel
-(1738-1822) discovered Planet Uranus and its moons. Discovered 2 of Saturn's rings. -
Percival Lowell
(1855-1916) Discovered the planet Pluto and studied the ‘’canals’’ on mars. Built the lowell observatory in Flagstaff, Az to study mars. -
Ejnar Hetzsprung
(1873-1967) one of the inventors of the Hetzsprung_russell diagram. The HR diagram shows the correlation between the absolute magnitude(brightness) and the spectral type of star. -
Edwin Hubble
(1889-1953) used the color of the stars to discover that the universe is expanding. The theory is basis of the Big Bang Theory of how the universe began. -
Karl Jansky
(1905-1950) Discovered the radio waves are emanating from space radio waves are the longest type of energy waves. -
1957- Oct 4 1957 the importance of Sputnik to the U.S. in the midst of the Cold war, Russia was successful in launching the first satellite into space to orbit Earth. Putting the soviet union ahead of the U.S. science and space travel became a new priority for the us and the education system. In 1958 president dwight eisenhower created nasa national aeronautics and space admin. The space race. -
Yuri Gagarin
Yuri Gagarin: 1961 Gagarin was the first human to orbit Earth. Was Russia -
John Glenn
1962 first american to orbit Earth 3 times -
Neil Armstrong
1969 First person to walk on the moon- American -
Apollo Mission
1969 Helped bring people back from space safely. -
Albert Einstein
(1979-1955) Theory of relativity (1905) and gravitation -
First space shuttle
1981 Space stations start being built -
Mars Pathfinder
1996 To explore Mars which took 2 years. -
Cassini Orbiter
1997 Orbited around the rings for Saturn completed in 2017 purpose was to pick up gas