Apple Computers Formed
Apple II first presented during West Coast Computer Faire
Apple offers public stock
First Corporate Stock Dividend
Apple registered the Apple.com domain name
Apple buys NeXt
Gil Amelio Ousted as CEO- Jobs takes over
Apple Store goes online
Powerbook G4 Introduced
iPod introduced
Apple iTunes launched in US
iMac G5 processor unveiled
Colour version of iPod introduced
Apple releases Mac OS X tiger
Jobs announces intel-based Macintosh computers
iPod Nano launched
Apple Releases Dual Core Processor with Power Mac G5 Dual
Intel-based iMac and MacBook Pro introduced
Apple Tv unveiled in San Francisco, California
Apple iPhone available
Apple iPad announced
Apple's stock market value over took Microsoft
iPad 2 unveiled
Jobs resigns as CEO
Jobs dies of Pancreatic Cancer
iPad 3 Launched