First Animated Film
In 1908, Emile Cohl created the first animated film. The film is called Fantasmagorie. It featured over 700 drawings and ran for two minutes. -
Creation Of Disney
The Walt Disney Company was created in 1923 In Los Angeles. Disney will soon be known as a frontrunner for animation across the globe, and would change animation forever. Now, Disney is one of the most known companies of al time. -
Warner Bros Created
In 1930, Warner Bros is created. Warner Bros is known for the creation of the looney tunes. Looney Tunes ended up being a popular cartoon for ages to come. -
Snow White
Snow White is known as the first fully featured animated film to release in the United States. Disney produced the film and released it in 1938. It created a whole new form of family entertainment -
The Flintstones
The Flintstones is the first cartoon to have a prime television slot on TV. The Flintstones was on ABC for 6 years. It featured Fred Flintstone and his family. -
First Fully Computer Animated Short Film
The first CGI short film is the Adventures Of Andre and Wally B. It was produced by Pixar and one of its first films. The company Pixar ends up to be one of the most important animation companies later. -
First Fully Computer Animated Film
Toy Story was the first fully computer animated film. It opened the doors for other animated film franchises like Shrek, Ice Age, and Despicable me. Toy Story took about 4 years to fully produce. -
Stop-Motion 3D Films
ParaNorman was the first film to use a 3D Color printer to create characters. The film is stop motion. IT is the second 3D stop-motion film.