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History of Animation

By dogg07
  • Thaumatrope

    The Thaumatrope was published by W. Phillips. It was an optical toy with a disk with two pictures, one on each side, tied with a string on either side. When the string is twisted quickly the two images combine creating a blend of both pictures.
  • Phénakisticope

    The Phénakisticope was the first animation device using a fast motion of sequential pictures. It was considered one of the first forms of moving media entertainment. It was made by Joseph Plateau in 1832/
  • Zoetrope

    The zoetrope was an early form of motion picture projector that's in a drum with a set of still images, that was turned in order to create the illusion of motion. It was invented by William George Horner in 1834. But decades later was advertised in 1868 by Professor John Henry Pepper.
  • The Flipbook

    The Flipbook
    A flip book or flick book is a book with a series of pictures that makes the pictures appear animated by simulating motion. It was patented by John Barnes Linnett under the name of Kineograph.
  • Zoopraxiscope

    The Zoopraxiscope was invented by British photographer Eaweard Muybridge and was a primitive version of later motion picture devices which worked by showing a sequence of still images in rapid succession. It was an early device for displaying moving images and is considered an important predecessor of the movie projector.
  • Theatre Optique/Praxionscope

    Theatre Optique/Praxionscope
    Charles-Emile Reynaud further developed his projection praxinoscope (An animation devices, the successor to the zoetrope) into the Theatre Optique with transparent hand-painted colorful pictures in a long perforated strip wound between two spools, patented in December 1888.
  • Printed Animation Film

    Printed Animation Film
    Manufacturers produced many cheap films by printing lithographed drawings, they were later made in color in 1902. The pictures were often traced from live-action films.
  • Steamboat Willie

    Steamboat Willie
    Steamboat is often mistakenly thought to be Mickey Mouse's debut, when in fact, this wasn't his first outing. It was, however, the first animated film to both popularize Mickey and to be fully scored. It's an iconic moment in animation history with some of the most recognizable visuals of any animation.