History of education

History of American Education Timeline

  • pilgrims religion dtermines education

    pilgrims religion dtermines education
    The Pilgrims arrive in Cape Cod, and establish the Plymouth Colony. Many of the Pilgrims were Puritans who fled from religious persecution in England. Their religion begins to affect education in the New England colonies.
  • First free school in Virgina

    First free school in Virgina
    The first free school in Virginia opens. Education in the Southern colonies is usually provided at home by parents or tutors.
  • First Publicaly Supported Library

    First Publicaly Supported Library
    The first publicly supported library in the U.S. is established in Charles Town, South Carolina.
  • The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans

    The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans
    it is the oldest continuously operating school for girls and the oldest Catholic school in the United States.
  • Period: to

    Noah Webster writes A Grammatical Institute of the English Language

    Because he didn't like the English textbooks, Noah Webster wrote A Grammatical Institute of the English Language , consisting of three volumes: a spelling book, a grammar book, and a reader. They become very widely used throughout the United States. In fact, the spelling volume, later renamed the American Spelling Book and often called the Blue-Backed Speller, has never been out of printed
  • THe OYung Ladies Academy

    THe OYung Ladies Academy
    In Philadelphia The Young Ladies Academy opens and becomes the first acdemy for girs in the original 13 colonies/states.
  • Modern Blackboard Created

    Modern Blackboard Created
    James Pillans invents the modern blackboard.
  • First Public High School Opens

    First Public High School Opens
    Boston English High School opens.
  • First Woman to graduate from medical school

    First Woman to graduate from medical school
    Elizabeth Blackwell graduates from Geneva Medical College.
  • Department of education

    Department of education
    To help establish effective school system the Department of Education is created.
  • typewriter invinted

    Christopher Sholes invents the "modern" typewriter known a Sholes Glidden.
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test first administered

    Scholastic Aptitude Test first administered
    The SAT is first administered. It is based on the Army Alpha test.
  • School Lunch Program

    School Lunch Program
    The 79th Congress approves the National School Lunch Act.
  • ACT test

    ACT test
    The first ACT test is administered.
  • First African American to attend a all Caucasion school.

    First African American to attend a all Caucasion school.
    First grader Ruby Bridges is the first African American to a attend William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. She becomes a class of one as parents remove all Caucasian students from the school.
  • Texas Instruments First electronic handheld calculators

    Texas Instruments introduces the TI-2500 Data Math. TI becomes an industry leader known around the world.
  • Period: to

    white bords begin to replace blackboards

  • Quest to Learn

    Quest to Learn (Q2L), the first school to teach mainly through game-based learning. Start with6th grade. They hope to add a grade each year until the school helps students grades 6-12