MA passes law requiring parents to educate their children
Old Deluder Satan Act
Law in MA that required every town of at least 50 familes to have a school master to teach students to read the Bible. -
John Locke publishes "Some Thoughts Concerning Education"
Caul Caffe petitions for equalrights in CT
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Frederick Douglass
Born a slave, escaped to freedom in 1838, devoted life to antislavery causes. -
First public HS opens in Boston
Liberia, Africa settled by American-Africans
MA passes law requireing public education in towns with over 300 families
David Walker writes "Appeal to the Colored Citizens
Horace Mann appointed to the MA Board of Education
Boston schools become integrated
Civil War 1861-1865
Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln
13th Amendment outlawing slavery
Period: to
The country is being put back together after the Civil War -
14th Amendment giving citizenship to former slaves
Period: to
W.E.B. Du Bois
Worked on the anti-slavery front. Spoke and wrote world-wide. Later emigrated to Ghana, Africa. -
15th Amendment--Right to vote no abridged by race, color, etc.
Plessy V. Ferguson decision establishes "Separate but Equal"
World War I
July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918 -
NAACP launches full-scale campaign against legal injustices
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People -
Missouri v. Jenkins
On June 12, 1995 the Court, in a 5-4 decision, overturned a District Court ruling that required the state of Missouri to correct de facto racial inequality in schools by funding salary increases and remedial education programs.