Jefferson drafts a proposal that guarantees 3 years of public education for citizens
Thomas Jefferson advocated for a system of schools supported by the public through taxation that would be open to all. It wasn't until 1840 that this began to take effect. Education was not a guaranteed right of the constitution. -
Average Cost Per Pupil - $2.81
Horace Mann finds inequity in school system
The Great School Debates in New York
Philadelphia Bible Riots
Education became a platform for religious freedom and reform as various religions sought to prevent the indoctrination fo their children by the dominant protestant religion. -
Petition to end segregation in Boston Schools
Average Cost Per Pupil - $4.80
Public School Expenditures - $63 million
Enrollment - $7.6 million
Public School Expenditures - $141 million
Enrollment - $12.7 million
Seperate but Equal - Upheld
50% of children enrolled
average schooling is 5 years -
2 million working children not attending school
English Only Movement
1920's Career Tracking
72% of disabled children are not in school
13.7% - African Americans Graduating High School
Women with medical or law degrees - .95%
3 out of 5 students graduate and 50% go on to college
Inequalities in education are masked -
Brown vs. The Board of Education
National Defense Education Act
100 million annually in funds. Math and science emphasis as a result of the sapce race. -
President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Finally puts teeth to Brown V Board of Ed. Federal funding can be withheld if states and districts don't abide by the law. -
78% of Mexican Americans drop out by 8th grade
Title IX Ratified
51.4% - African Americans Graduating High School
Women with medical or law degrees - 30%
85% Graduation Rate with almost all children enrolled
Era of High Stakes Testing
1980's began with a proclaimed crisis in education that resulted in standardized tests. -
A Nation At Risk
So called crisis in education shifted focus from preparation for citizenship and democracy to business preparation. -
Vouchers - introduced in Wisconsin for private non-religious schools
No Child Left Behind - Proposed
signed into law on January 8, 2002