Period: to
The Common School
Average attendance less than 82 days
Declaration of Independence
Jefferson bill for public education
Trying to institue a three year public education to bridge the gap. -
The Blue-Back Speller
Noah Webster introduced this book to create a unique way for americans to pronounce and spell the english language. -
Average attendance 4 months
Average cost per pupil $2.81
Horace Mann is appointed secretary of the Board of Education
He held this position, and worked with a remarkable intensity, holding teachers' conventions, delivering numerous lectures and addresses, carrying on an extensive correspondence, and introducing numerous reforms. Mann traveled to every school in the state so he could physically examine each school ground. -
Average Attendance 7 months
Average cost per pupil $4.80
Segregation abolished in Massachusettes
In the Schools -
Civil war ends
40 million former slaves free to become literate -
Catherin Beecher
Pushed for women to become teachers. Founded colleges and had training for life in the wild west. -
US provided more schools
and to more children than any other country at the time -
Period: to
22 million Immigrants to the United States
John Dewey - School and Society
Attack on curriculum. Father of progressive education. -
Period: to
As American as Public School
Children in School - 22%
average schooling - 5 years -
17 year old graduates - 6%
Dalcroze Eurythmics
Émile Jaques-Dalcroze was a Swiss composer, musician and music educator who developed eurhythmics, a method of learning and experiencing music through movement. -
Gary Curriculum
Had students moving from class to class. Had classes like manners and health. -
2 Million Children Prefer to Work
When asked, children said they prefered to work rather than attend school. -
5,000 people revolt
over the Gary plan. Saying that they did not move to America to have thier children learn how to work in factories -
Schools destroyed all books written in German
Expanditures for schools $1 billion
17 year olds graduating - 17%
Orff Schulwerk
Publication of Carl Orff's four stage method to teach young children music in a classroom setting. -
Child Labor Banned
Children are not allowed to work until age 16 -
17 year old graduates - 45%
Period: to
A Struggle for Educational Equity
Suzuki Method Emerges
Japanese violinist Shin'ichi Suzuki develops method for teaching music in classrooms. "Creating the right environment" for music. -
Kodály Method
Zoltán Kodály develops a way to teach music education in hungary which develops in the mid-twentieth century. Using hand signals to associate scale degress with physical motions. -
Millions tested by IQ and SAT tests
Baby Boomers 50% went to college
3 out of 5 graduated. 50% went to college -
72% of disable children not enrolled
13.7% high school diplomas
9 years average. 0.95% women awarded law and medical degrees -
Supreme Court Rules
That segregation is unconstitutional. Many black teachers lose their jobs during integration of schools. -
Little Rock High School Desegregation
State officials barred doors. Federal officials(sent by the president) opened them. -
National Defense Education Act
$100 million to aid in public education -
Lyndon Johnson President
Former School Teacher Elected -
90% of Black Students
Still segregated, defying the Supreme Court ruling. -
Civil Rights Act
banned segregation in all federally owned schools -
Bilingual Education
Allowed for students to be taught in a secondary language until they were able to learn in English. -
75% mexican-americans dropping out by 8th grade
1% medical and law degrees awarded to women
7.4% women were athletes -
Title IX
Specifically requiring funding for girl's extra-curricular activities. -
3.7 Million students with disabilities
seperate but equal -
Period: to
The Bottom Line
51.4% high school diplomas awarded
12.5 years average in school. 30% medical and law degrees awarded to women -
85% graduated. 95% enrolled
Period: to
$500 million in reform for 13 states
Higher graduation requirements -
New York schools introduce "choice"
Period: to
EAI schools in Baltimore
looking to improve schools through a privatized business outlook -
Vouchers in Milwakee allowed
$2500 for students to use towards funding private schools. -
No Child Left Behind
NCLB becomes effective, requiring standardization of schools. -
90,000 public schools. 2,100 private schools in the US
47.8 million enrolled in public school. 90%