History of American Education

By mmains
  • Laws to prohibit teaching slaves

    Laws to prohibit teaching slaves
    During the Civil War, some states in the south created laws that prohibited teaching slaves to read and write.
  • Potato Famine

    Potato Famine
    Many Catholics were driven out of Ireland by the Potato Famine. Many came to the United States and established Catholic Parochial schools.
  • First Kindergarten

    First Kindergarten
    The first Kindergarten was opened by Margarethe Schurz. She played games with children and sang songs and tried to prepare them for school. Four years later the first "formal" kindergarten was established
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    The launching of Sputnik caused a sort of reform in American Education, with a focus more on science and math.
  • Sholes develops Machine to print Alphabet

    Sholes develops Machine to print Alphabet
    Christopher Scholes developed a machine to print the alphabet.
  • Free Public Education Brought to the South

    Free Public Education Brought to the South
    The Slaves fought to bring public education to the south for the first time.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Social Activism Theory - learning through socializing. Real world and interests of students were tied into learning.
  • Vocational Education

    Vocational Education
    Vocational Education was validated. It was developed so that students could learn skills in case they did not want to attend college.
  • Lev Vygotsky

    Lev Vygotsky
    Constructivist Learning Theory - all kids can reach their potential by scaffolding tasks. Child will reach zone of proximal development.
  • Cognitive Development Theory

    Cognitive Development Theory
    Jean Piaget developed a theory that said kids pass through ages of development by interacting with their environment.
  • Behaviorism Theory

    Behaviorism Theory
    BF Skinner said that "learning is behavior shaping." Skinner said that teachers can support learning by providing opportunities for students to learn their desired skills.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The Supreme Court Ruled that racial segration violated the 14th Amendment. It was a big step toward equality.
  • Blooms Taxonomy

    Blooms Taxonomy
    A classification of learning objectives proposed by an educational committee headed by Benjamin Bloom. Different objectives and domains that educators set for students.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Theory

    Cognitive Behavioral Theory
    Robert Gagne developed the Cognitive Behavioral Theory - says there are 9 events of instruction.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act passed. It was a law that banned discrimination based on race for any programs that were federally funded.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    The ESEA emphasizes equal access to education. Because of free lunches, head start, etc., it allowed kids from all socioeconomic statuses to attend school.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    Classrooms became more diverse as the population of immigrants changed in America.
  • ERIC

    The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) was established as a national information system.
  • Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments
    Texas Instruments developed the first hand-held calculator
  • Information Processing Theory

    Information Processing Theory
    Atkinson and Shiffrin developed the Information Processing Theory. Says that learning is encoding information into our memory using key components: attention, application and recall.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title 9 ensured that there was no discrimination against women. With this, the role of women and girls in the work force changed significantly. Title 9 ensured legal protection for sexual harrassment.
  • Discovery Learning

    Discovery Learning
    Jerome Bruner said that kids learn best when they discover the answers themselves
  • Education for Handicapped Children Act

    Education for Handicapped Children Act
    This Act requires that handicapped students get a free appropriate education that is suited to a child's individual needs. The result of this Act was more special education classes.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple introduced the Apple II.
  • Home Computer

    Home Computer
    IBM introduces the first home computer. Dos 2.0 is also introduced.
  • Microsoft and AOL

    Microsoft and AOL
    Microsoft Windows is introduced and AOL debuts.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web was born.
  • SmartBoards

    SmartBoards are introduced. These would revolutionize teaching in America.
  • ISTE Standards for Schools

    ISTE Standards for Schools
    ISTE Standards for Schools to follow.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This Act mandates testing and holds schools accountable for student achievement. It provides penalties for schools that don't make adequate yearly progress.
  • Discovery Education

    Discovery Education
    Discovery Education was introduced and it brought videos into the classroom.
  • iPods

    iPods would revolutionize the way education was delivered.