History of American Education

  • Dame-Schools (day care) are common for those with means

  • Private Instruction for those with means is common

  • Eighty-two Days Average Lifetime Schooling

  • Declaration of Independance

  • Thomas Jefferson Drafts Proposal to Educate All Americans for Three Years

  • Noah Webster Publishes the "Blueback Seller"

  • Average Attendance and Cost of Students in MA: Four Months/ $2.81

  • Half of New Yorkers were Foreign-Born

  • Philidelphia Bible Riots

  • Average Attendance and Yearly Cost for a Student in MA: Seven Months and $4.80

  • Sarah Burns goes to court over segregation in public schools

  • Hughes named Arch-Bishop of New York

  • Massachusets State Legislature End Segregation

  • Cival War Ends, Slaves are Freed, Reconstruction Begins

  • Public Expenditures in Education: $63 Million

  • 7.6 million students attend school annually

  • Public Expenditures in Education: $141 Million

  • 12.7 million students attend school annually

  • Plessy v. Ferguson upholds segregation as Constitutional

  • School and Society: By John Dewey is published

  • Average amount of schooling: Five years

  • Fifty-percent of children are enrolled in school

  • World's Fair puts progressive education on display

  • Seventeen year-old High school graduation rate: 6%

  • There are two million child workers in the United States

  • United States enters World War 1

  • IQ Test Administered to WW1 Soldiers

  • Because of the War, English-only teaching is emphasized

  • New York includes the Wirt(Gary) Plan in the city's schools. Rioting ensues.

  • One-third of Southern Italians (NYC) left school by the 8th Grade

  • On Average, one high school was opening every day

  • Public Expense on Education: $1 Billion

  • Seventeen percent of people graduate high school

  • Sociologists theorize that ethnicity and intelligence are correlated.

  • Child Labor is banned

  • Two-thirds of Mexican Students classified as slow or retarded

  • Seventeen year-old graduation rate: 45%

  • Baby Boomers: Fifty percent went to college

  • There are seventeen states in which African-Americans are segregated by law

  • Americans with a H.S. Diploma: 13.7%

  • Medical and Law Degrees awarded to women: .1%

  • Average School Attendance: Nine years

  • "Educational Wastelands" is published by Arthur Bestor

  • Brown v. Board of Education rules that segregation is Unconstitutional

  • Sputnik spurs US Government to play a larger role in education

  • National Defense and Education Act Passes

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act passes

  • Ninety-one percent of African-American attend integrated public schools

  • Five billion spent annually on education in the U.S.

  • Seventy-Five percent of Mexican-Americans drop out by 8th grade

  • One percent of medical and law degrees are awarded to women

  • Women make up about seven percent of all high school athletes.

  • Because of "white flight" to the suburbs, busing used as a means of integration in public schools.

  • Title Nine signed into law.

  • Lawsuit filed to enforce the provisions of Title Nine

  • Supreme Court rules that discrimination also includes not respecting educational needs of students

  • Courts ruled that busing was outside of jurisdiciton when across school districts.

  • New York Schools asked to create small, alternative schools within existing buildings

  • Americans with a H.S. diploma: 51.4%

  • Medical and Law degrees awarded to women: 30%

  • Average School Attendance: 12.5 years

  • President Reagan presents report "Nation at Risk"

  • Secular Charter School Subsidies are granted

  • EAI Hired to run Baltimore Schools

  • EAI contract expires with the Baltimore School District

  • Cleveland, Ohio is firs tin nation to allow vouchers to be used for religious schools

  • Congress provides 80 million dollars for public schools

  • Homeschools made legal in all 50 states

  • Columbine High School Shooting

  • NCLB signed into law

  • Enrollment: 48 million. 90% of students in public school.