History of America

  • John Locke August 29,1632-October 28,1704 (Patriot)

    John Locke August 29,1632-October 28,1704 (Patriot)
    English phlosipher and physician also known as "Father of Classic Liberalism" and was one of the most influencial Enlightenment thinkers. We have the best quote for are country do to him. You have three unallienable rghts, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This kind of thinking lead to the American Revoulution.
  • Benjamin Franklin Janurary 17,1706-April 17,1790 (Patriot)

    Benjamin Franklin Janurary 17,1706-April 17,1790 (Patriot)
    One of the Founding Fathers of America. Was post master and made it to were almost all of the colonies knew about the Bosten Massacure before the king knew. He set up the first national communication network. He also was part of a group trying to get rid of the stamp act.
  • George Washington Fubruary 22,1732-Feburuary 11,1799(Patriot)

    George Washington Fubruary 22,1732-Feburuary 11,1799(Patriot)
    First presedent of the United States of America. General during the Revolutionary War. Before the Revolution served as British Officer. George Washington was a great leader and good at strategy.
  • Paul Revere December 21,1734-May 10,1818 (Patriot)

    Paul Revere December 21,1734-May 10,1818 (Patriot)
    He was a silversmith and colonial officer in the American Revolution. He is most famous known for as it says int he poem "Paul Rever's Ride." He spied on the British for months. Made a picture of the Bostan Massacer.
  • Lord Cornwallis December 31,1738-October 5,1805 (Loyalist)

    Lord Cornwallis  December 31,1738-October 5,1805 (Loyalist)
    Officer in the British Army and colonial administer. Cornwallis, in 1779, was to lead a plan called "Southern Strategy," this was the British during the American Revolution were going to come up from the South, thinking most of the south were loyalists, then over take the colonies. After that heppened Cornwallis was left in the South to recruit more loyalist into helping kill the rebellion. Cornwallis is most famously known for the surrender in 1781 ending the American Revolution.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation stopped any expansion beyond the Smoky Mountains. This enraged the colonists because they believed they had the right to keep going westward and make a living and have land.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    Most famous for the Boston Tea Part. They also humiliated tax collectors. John Hancock and Samuel Adams started this orginazition as an undergroung ressistance against British law and taxes.
  • Townshend Act (Began in 1767)

    Townshend Act  (Began in 1767)
    Series of acts that took affect and was aimed at the colonists affter the Boston Tea Party. Another purpose was to get more money for judges and officials to stay loyal to the crown. Due to this prices were increased and colonists got even more frustrated. This aslo led to the starting of the Sons of Liberty.
  • Boston Massacre (March 5,1770)

    Boston Massacre (March 5,1770)
    After 3 days of unrest due to troops around a angry mob of people who had lost ther jobs or didn't want them there had a stand off with British regulars. There was 8 British troops and the mob was throwing snowballs and them but something happened and the troops shot into the crowd. 5 people died and this fueled the fire of war that already had started.
  • Battle of Lexinton and Concord

    Battle of Lexinton and Concord
    With militia(minuteman) around and heard to be at Concord. At hearing this General Gage sent 700 troops to seize guns, ammo, and anything that can be used to make ammo. On the way they are meet with resistance. By the time the original 700 troops got to Concord all the ammo and anything that resembled the militia was gone, but they had lost 250 troops. It was comdidered a British victory but it gave the Patriots a hope that they could win. Concord was also where the "shot heard 'round the world"
  • Battle of Bunker Hill June 17,1775

    Battle of Bunker Hill June 17,1775
    General William Howe lead 2,200 British troops against 1,000 continental troops on top the hill. The British attacked in waves but ended up failing the first two times. the third time though since the colonials had run out of ammunition took the hill but lost over 1,000 troops in doing so. It was a British victory but a great moral booster for the colonials showing it is determinashion that matters not so much on training.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This is the most important document in America. This document was pretty much saying that we were tired of being under British rule because they were treating us like crap. We said we were tired of it and decided to become our own nation.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington leads his men to go attack the Hessian Garrison on the other side of the Houdsen River. The army had to March 9 miles South in the winter and snow towards Trenton. Washington only had 2,400. Due to them thinking they were safe the Hessians had no patrols and were caught off guard. After a short but deadly ressistance the Hessians gave up and it was the victory needed to keep the revolution alive.
  • Battle of Saratoga (September 19 and October 7,1777)

    Battle of Saratoga (September 19 and October 7,1777)
    A British General headed to New York hoping to get reenforcments but ended up getting the opposite. The British troops were surrounded and the General gave up the army. This was considered a turning point in the war and all that was needed now was allys to help navy wise.
  • Battle of Yorktown (October 19,1781)

    Battle of Yorktown (October 19,1781)
    One of the most famous battles due to the fact this was the end of the Revolutionary War. This was the begging of a Independent United States of America. Along with colonials on the ground they had the French navy. General Cornwallis was trapped and could do nothing, so he surrendered. We still celebrate this day every year and will till the end of time.