
history of amazin compooter

  • The Macintosh portable

    The Macintosh portable
    The Macintosh Portable, was the first portable, and battery powered computer created by apple
  • The First Nokia!

    The First Nokia!
    The first Nokia portable phone (Nokia 1011) came out on 1990, astonishing the community with its fantastic features, and making it one of the first portable phones
  • The Apple Newton

    The Apple Newton
    The apple newton, (most resembling an iPad or iPhone) was one of the first to feature a digital assistant, capable of recognizing you based on your handwriting
  • The iMac G3

    The iMac G3
    The iMac, being one of the Macintosh series, was a computer that didn't sell for very long, but at the time was good for anything you needed
  • The Sony Vaio Laptop

    The Sony Vaio Laptop
    The Vaio laptop made by Sony introduced in 1998, included incredible audio, a decent sized hard drive, and a webcam, making it very incredible