Abortion Counseling Service of the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union
The Abortion Counseling Service of the Chicago Women's Liberation Union, was a feminist, undercover abortion group that would help women get safe, inexpensive, and supportive illegal abortions. -
Roe vs. Wade
This was one of the biggest steps in history for abortion. The Roe vs. Wade case made it legal for a woman to abort her child in the first trimester of her pregnancy. It was ruled out by the Supreme Court. -
Passing of the Hyde Amendment
The passing of the Hyde Amendment was passed by Congress and it made sure to ban all medicaid or other federal funds for abortions, which made it hard for women who could not afford an abortion, to have one. -
Bellotti vs. Baird
Bellotti vs. Baird was an event that took place advocating that a young woman, who is pregnant, should be able to have an abortion. The way she can have one is to either have parental consent or grant access to abortion through a judge. -
Harris v. McRae
A case in which the Supreme Court decided that Medicaid will not be funding abortions in the states that allow it. -
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
The Partial Abortion Ban Act an act signed by President Bush in which it is stated that abortion can be carried out in the later terms of pregnancy, in turn, banning abortion, partially. -
Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
This is also known as "Obamacare," was one of the first legal steps made in a long time that would give women the benefits that they have been seeking for. It would give them coverage for abortion in states that allow Medicaid. -
Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act was one where it stated that one cannot have an abortion unless it follows the requirements of the act, and the requirements in the act stated mostly that a woman can get an abortion if she has been raped. -
State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid
17 states have passed the law that Medicaid is to fund all or most medically necessary abortions. -
ourbodiesourselves.org, abortionreason.com, chicagotribune.com