First Abortion Performed in a Hospital
Dr. Jane Hodgson performs an abortion for a 23-year old mother of three who learned that during her current pregnancy she had contracted rubella. Dr. Hodgson performed this abortion for this mother, yet was the convicted for it shortly after (Chicago Tribune). -
Hawaii legalizes abortion before 20 weeks
Hawaii legalizes an abortion that is performed before the pregnancy of the client reaches 20 weeks. This act removed its' criminal abortion laws, while simultaneously The State of New York also legalized the termination of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation (Chicago Tribune). -
United States vs. Vuitch
The United States Supreme Court upheld this case in favor of the current law in place that only allowed abortion when it was going to preserve the woman's life (nrlc.org). -
National Right to Life Convention
National Right to Life holds its' first annual convention at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota (nrlc.org). -
Roe vs. Wade Ruling
The United States Supreme Court released its' ruling on the Roe vs. Wade that in the first trimester, the state(s) could enact no regulation on women who are seeking an abortion. In the second trimester, the state(s) could enact some regulation on whether or not an abortion is permitted, based on if the maternal health is in jeopardy. In the third trimester, the state(s) could fully allow the woman seeking an abortion to have an abortion, in order to preserve her life and health (nrlc.org). -
National Science Foundation Authorization Act
Reaserch using fetal tissue that is federally funded is prohibited with this act. -
Hyde Amendment
This amendment banned the use of medicaid as a means of funding abortions for those who could not normally fund it. This legislation was later upheld again by Congress in 1980. -
Belloti vs. Baird
This Supreme Court case dealt with the idea of allowing minors to get an abortion without the consent of thier parents or legal guardians. The court ruled in favor of the minors. -
Akron Ordinance is Struck Down!
The Akron Ordinance required doctors to give patients anti-abortion literature, required all abortions after the first trimester to be performed in the hospital, required parental consent for abortions to be performed on minors, and mandated that the aborted fetus be disposed of in a humane way. -
Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services
The Supreme Court rules that the federal constitution does not say the government has to make hospitals and health facilities available to perform abortions. This is the first time the Supreme Court does not reaffirm Roe v. Wade. -
Ohio v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health
The U.S. Supreme Court upholds the notion for one-parent consent to perform an abortion on a minor. -
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
The U.S. Supreme Court upholds the core rulings on Roe v. Wade, but it discards the third trimester scheme. It also upholds certain restrictions on abortions, as well as adopting the “undue burden” test of abortion laws. This requires opponents of an abortion to prove the provision of the fetus would be a burden on the woman, for it to be declared unconstitutional. The vote is 6-3. -
Norma McCorvey Converted!
Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe), announces publically that she regrets being the keystone in the historic Roe v. Wade case. -
HR 1833 Bill is passed by Congress
The states began regulating "partial-birth abortions", which included late-term abortions performed with the "dilation and evacuation" method. Congress passes the bill to outlaw such procedures, then President Clinton vetos the bill. -
Partial-birth Abortion Banned
The partial-birth abortion was banned by the signing of this act in 2003 by President George W. Bush. This act was almost immediately challenged in federal court. A partial-birth abortion is when an instrument is used to puncture the base of the baby's skull while it is still in the birth canal. -
Gonzales v. Carhart
This court case was won in favor of the pro-life movement. The ruling upheld President George W. Bush's Partial-Birth Abortion Act in 2003 by prohibiting partial-birth abortions under all circumstances except in the instance of a health exclusion.