History of a Political Party

  • May 2, 600

    Democracy from before times

    Democracy was first developed in Athens in the sixth century BC. When the era of the Pericles came along, Athenian democracy was already a system that had an assembly, council, and courts. Voting of this time was in the form that all citizen could vote, but only a free adult male born in Athens of two Athenian parents was considered a citizen.
  • The beginning of the Democratic Party

    Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic party .It is the oldest political party in the United States and it is one of the oldest parties in the world.
  • Democrats being a donkey

    In the election of Andrew Jackson as Democratic President, his oppenent referred to him as a "jackass" for being stubborn. As a way to use it as a gain against his other opponents, Jackson decided to use the image of the donkey on his campaign posters which later became the famous symbol of the Democrats.
  • First Convention

    The Party held its first National Convention in 1832 and nominated President Jackson for his second term.
  • Election of Martin Van Buren

    Having the term of 1837 to 1841, Martin Van Buren became the 8th President of the United States .Van Buren took part in developing the State's Democratic-Republican political machine, an organization that worked to ensure party loyalists were elected to most state offices.
  • Democratic National Committee (DNC)

    The Democratic National Committee was created during the Democratic National Convention of 1848. For approximately 162 years, it’s been held responsible for governing the Democratic Party.
  • Election of Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson became the first Democratic president of the 20th Century. Wilson took many actions in his lifetime, he led his country through World War I, fought for the League of Nations, established the Federal Reserve Board, and passed the first labor and child welfare laws.
  • Roaring 20's

    Having help from President Woodrow Wilson, the US Constitution was issued to grant woman the right to vote. This was known as woman's sufferage; the 19th Amendment.
  • Election of Franklin Roosevelt

    Wanting to end the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt was elected as a Democratic President, Through his powers, he offered Americans a New Deal and Security Act which led to a more hygiened society and stopped Americans from worrying about growing up and being poor.
  • Election of Harry S Truman

    Harry Truman's victory was indeed a great suprise. Everyone was predicting that he would be defeated by Republican Thomas E. Dewey. Winning by a a three-way split in his own party; Truman's became the fifth consecutive win for the Democratic Party in a presidential election.
  • John F Kennedy Election

    The electoral vote was the closest in any presidential election since 1916. It is still a contraversial topic of whether John F Kennedy's votes were false in aiding his victory. This was the first presidential election in which Alaska and Hawaii participated
  • Election of Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton served as the 42nd President of the United States.
    Under his presidency the United States faced the lowest unemployment and inflation rates, high home ownership, low crime rates, and a budget surplus.
  • Who was first?

    Although the Republican party has sent more candidates to the Presidency, the Democratic party has had more Congressional and Senatorial candidates. The Democrats became the first party to control the White House. Along with this, Democrats have controlled Congress since 2006.
  • 50 State Strategy

    In 2005, Democrats launched the 50-State Strategy;an effort to build the Democratic Party from the ground up in every single cityand state in the country.
  • Obama as President

    Barack Obama wins the US Presidential Election. Not only is he the 46th president, but he also becomes the first African-American President of the United States
  • Influencial Leaders for the Democracy

    Although there has not yet been a woman president yet, Hilary Clinton still played a role in the Democratic Party. She is considered to be a well displayed Democrat in todays society.
  • Duties of a Democrat

    Not only does Democrats focus on making sure the government plays a vital role in getting rid of poverty and social problems that many Americans face by arguing that the citizens should have equal rights. The Democratic Party has more of a representation for farmers, laborers, labor unions, and religious and ethnic minorities.
  • Democratic or Republican?

    As of the last decade, 35% of Americans declare themselves Democrats.
  • Most popular party

    The Democratic Party is the largest political party in the United States with about over 72 million registered voters.
  • Democrat Beliefs and Values

    Democrats believe in several high topics: rights of the individual, freedoms of the individual, responsibilities of the individual, beliefs concerning societal conditions and governmental responsibilities.