Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee
Jubilee is a celebation that marks a special anniversary.
Begain June 2 and ended June 5. -
"The Artist" Wins Academy Award
"The Artist" supposedly the nights front runner.
Viola Davis, for her work in "The Help" is a strong candiate as the best actress. -
London Olympics
During the 2012 London Olympics The United States won 29 bronze metals, 29 sivler metals and 49 gold metals. -
Neil Armstrong Dies
People who work in science and government spoke proudly of his achievements.
Armstrong is still one of the only 12 people to ever step on the moon. -
Ambasseter was killed in Crise
Killed when a mob attackeda U.S. consulate in city of Benghazi.
Four americans were killed and he was one of them. -
Free Fall Record Broken
From 24 miles above the New Mexico desert.
Shattered the speed of sound during 4 minutes 20 seconds freefall. -
Lance Armstrong Loses Title
"Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling and he deserves to be for gotten in cycling.
Lance Armstrong is out of record. -
Hurricane Sandy
Thousands of people lost power in the northwest.
New Jersey, Long Island, New York and lower Manhattan had Hurricane Sandy. -
Obama wins re-election
Mr.Obama won Michigan, the state where Mr.Romeny was born.
Mr.Obama faced 51 governing faces during the re-election. -
Gangnam Style Most Veiwed Video
Scrpassed pop star Justin Bieber's " Baby".
Over two million digital thumbs up.