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20 years (and beyond) in the life of Hannah Kitchen (1999-Present)

By KitcheH
  • The day I entered into this world

    The day I entered into this world
    I was 7 lbs. 14oz and 21 inches long! My mom says I could have been a Gerber baby...but I'm pretty sure every parent says that!
  • NASA loses radio contact with the Mars Polar Lander right before it enters the Martian atmosphere

    NASA loses radio contact with the Mars Polar Lander right before it enters the Martian atmosphere
  • 9/11 Terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon

    9/11 Terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon
  • Hurricane Katrina strikes in New Orleans

    Hurricane Katrina strikes in New Orleans
    Flooded 80% of the city
  • Hawaii Time- My first big vacation!

    Hawaii Time- My first big vacation!
    We went to Hawaii to visit my grandparents when I was 6 years old! I loved every minute of it, and remember a lot of it to this day!
  • NASA launches the final space shuttle mission to the Hubble telescope

    NASA launches the final space shuttle mission to the Hubble telescope
  • My Grandmother passed away

    My Grandmother passed away
    This was the first day I remember feeling extreme sadness. I miss her very much.
  • Graduation Day!

    Graduation Day!
    I had no idea where Christ was going to lead me, I just knew it was going to be great!
  • Eiffel Tower Time!

    Eiffel Tower Time!
    I had the opportunity to go to Paris, France and London, England for 10 days with my aunt! It was amazing!
  • CU move in day!

    CU move in day!
    This is where I knew my life would change- becoming independent and moving onto CU's campus. Up until the moment of moving in, I thought about backing out. I am so glad I didn't.
  • Coronavirus Lockdown Began

    Coronavirus Lockdown Began