History Lib Reforms/Home Front

  • Rowntree Report Published

  • Booth's Report is Released

  • Great Britain seen the most powerful country in the world

    Britain own a 1/4 of the world's population
    Germany and USA taken over Britain as leading industrial power
    42 million population, only 9% of workers in agriculture
  • School Meals Act

    Local councils give free school meals
  • Workman's Compensation Act

    Covered the badly injured at work and gave them half wages, only covered below £250.
  • Liberal Party are elected

  • Education Act

    Scholarships for children from poor families, 25% scholarships reserved for this. Had to take exams.
  • Children's Medical Inspections

    Medical inspections introduced in schools for all children, so the ill could be identified. Could give free medical treatment.
  • Old Age Pensions

    Introduced by Lloyd George 5 shillings for a Single Over 70
    7 shilling 6d for a Single Over 70
  • Children's Charter

    Parents could be prosecuted for neglecting their child, Borsals were set up. Illegal to sell cigarettes or alcohol. Juvenile courts are set up.
  • Labour Exchanges

    First Job Centres
  • Trade Boards Act

    A minimum wage for sweated industries
  • The People's Budget

  • National Insurance Act

    Health Insurance
    Unemployment Insurance
  • Free Medical Treatment

    The government gave money for a kid to be treated if ill
  • Free School Meals Act

    Compulsory to give free school meals to the poor.
  • DORA

  • The Mail reveals a Munitions Crisis

  • Newspaper Journos accredited to report on the war

  • Food Prices Raised

  • Voluntary Rationing

  • Compulsory Rationing

  • End of WW1

  • The New Survey of London Life and Labour

    Llewelyn SMith concludes his 1920s survey saying poverty has reduced about 2/3
  • Has Poverty Diminished?

    A L Bowley concludes little over half of families in poverty from 1913
  • Progress and Poverty

    Rowntree repeats his 1899 survey to find 6.8% in primary poverty as opposed to 15.5% in 1899