baby boom generation
Baby boomers were a group that were born during post WW2. born between 1946-1964. They make up 20% the American population. They were lots of children being born because soldiers were coming back from war. -
Iron Curtain
A national barrier(wall) that separated split Berlin into a western side and a soviet side. was made to stop communism from spreading -
Truman Doctrine
The idea to give support to countries or people that felt threatened by the soviet union or any other communist country. Put in place by President truman it helped to gain more respect for the U.S. and to be seen as the good guy in the situation -
The containment was a policy that used many different tactics to prevent communism from spreading. It was put in place after the Soviet Union had made things seem like they wanted to spread. -
Marshall Plan
The American Initiative to aid Western Europe. The U.S. gave over 12 billion dollars to the help rebuild the economy in Europe. It restored the friendship between Europe and the U.S. -
Berlin Airlift
The U.S. decided to make themselves the good guys and send in planes with food and goods. They would bring in planes with food and drop it off in the air. All to make the people of the other countries believe that democracy was way better than communism -
Cold War
A state of political tension between the U.S.and Russia. Main ways of war are through propaganda and threats mainly through communication methods. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Members are from each and every country. They get together to discuss the safety, security and freedom for each other. It is one of the most successful military alliance to have ever been created. -
1950's Prosperity
Called the decade of prosperity. The government grew a total of 37%. Inflation was very low because of Eisenhower's efforts to balance out the federal budget and distribute it evenly -
A young person during the 1950's and 1960's was associated with the beat nation. Someone that displayed their beliefs by using an artistic form and by most of the time believed the opposite of what everyone else believed. -
McCarthy had said that he had a list containing all of the names of people who had connection with the communist party. He had said that he had known 205 people. But til this day no one has ever seen this list nor do we know if he was saying the truth. -
Korean War
The Korean War started because North Korea decided to invade South Korea. The United Nations decided to side with South Korea and the soviets decided to join forces with North Korea. So this increased tensions between the U.S. and the Soviets -
Rock n' Roll
According to certain sources it was popularized by a disc jockey named Alan in 1951. It lead to the civil rights movement. Many black artists contributed to the movement -
Rosenburg Trail
A couple which names were Ethel and Julius Rosenburg were seen in New Yorks federal court. It was decided to persecute the couple. The husband was accused of selling nuclear secrets to the Russians. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961 and was a republican. He obtained a truce with Korea and also worked really hard to ease tensions during the Cold War. He also commanded the D-Day invasion while he was a supreme allied commander during WW2 -
Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk created the Polio vaccine. He was an American medical research. And on national radio show he announced that he had found a successful way to treat polio. -
Domino Theory
President Eisenhower said that it was basically what would happen for communism in Indochina region. Basically meaning that if one country that was communist would lead to neighboring countries to fall into communism. -
Ray Kroc
He was a milkshake machine salesman and got involved with McDonalds. He was basically the one at fault for creating on of the biggest fast food chains. He bought the joint from the Mcdonalds brothers and created a franchise chain. He began to create all the advertisements etc.. -
vietnam war
The Vietnam war was a Proxy war. North Vietnam was communist and South Vietnam was the more democratic side. So as always France wanted the U.S. to help stop communism from spreading. So U.S. was on South Vietnams side while Russia helped out the North. Just like in Korea -
Interstate Highway Act
This was created because they finally wanted a way to move around the country easily. Creating a 41,000 mile network of interstate highways. They also made airports and other transportation forms -
A town in New jersey and Pennsylvania, that was created by Abraham Levitt and his sons. It was a town created in the suburbs for veterans coming back from WW2. But in this town there was no way you could see any other race other than caucasians. -
The first every artificial satellite. That was pretty small only about the size of a beach ball. that only took 98 minutes to go around the earth. This was launched by Russia and it made the U.S. extremely sad. -
Space Race
It was another reason to add heat to the fire. The cold war was basically a competition between the U.S. and Russia.It all started when Russia launched Sputnik the first artificial satellite a first man made item in space. -
Bay of Pigs
The CIA trained a group of Cuban refugees to help overthrow Castro. The attack was unsuccessful and created lois of tension between Cuba and the U.S. it was suggested because they believed that Castro was a threat to the U.S. and all other free countries around Cuba -
Betty Friedan
Betty was feminist, a strong believer in that women had the right to take part in the society and be more than just a housewife. She wrote a book that explored women's roles in society opening new ideas. called the Feminine Mystique -
Lyndon B. Johnson
He got sworn into presidency after John F Kennedy was assassinated. He was sworn in on an airplane back to Washington and kennedy's wife was right there along with him. -
Anti-War movement
The Anti-War movement was pretty much based on college students that had the the adequate education and knew what was right and what was wrong. In Kent State 4 student were killed by the government just for saying what they believed. -
Gulf of Tonkin
A resolution that was passed by congress, after a North Vietnamese torpedo attacked the USS Maddox. it was in the gulf of Tonkin in which the ship was not supposed to be in but...it was and it caused lots of tension -
Tet Offensive 1968
This was one of the largest campaigns during the Vietnam War. It started on January 30, 1968. It was created by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese People's Army working against South vietnamese. -
President Nixon pledged to withdraw 150,000 U.S. troops from South Vietnam in a year. This was to try to end the Vietnam war. This was another war that was supposed to be small but got blown up in proportion -
26th Amendment
Passed by congress in March and was ratified July 1, 1971. This amendment granted 18 year olds the right to vote. It is not allowed to be denied or abridged by the U.S. or state when 18 year ols go in and vote. -
War Powers Act
Law that was passed by Congress after the president vetoed it. Basically a law that was made to check up on the presidents power that stopped the president from getting into the armed conflicts without the congress giving them a yes. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The U.S. felt that the missiles in Cuba were a huge threat to us. So the U.S. decided to create a "blockade". There was a lot of tension between each other especially when they weren't sure if the Russians on the boat were going to fire. -
House Un-American Activities Committee
Called upon citizens to testify in public hearings before congress. by 1960's the HUAC was no longer popular as before. -
Moon Landing
United States Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to the moon. Neil A. Armstrong was the first man to put foot on the moon along with Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin. They returned back to earth on July 24th -
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon was the 46th President of the United States. He won the Republican vote. He resigned before the government was able to impeach him. -
John F. Kennedy
John F Kennedy was the 44th quadrennial presidential election. He won the democratic vote. He was involved in the bay of pigs and the cuban missile crisis. He was assassinated in Downtown Dallas. -
G.I. bill (servicemen's Readjustments Act 1944)
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the act and its purpose was to help nations veterans who return from overseas. It provides lots of benefits that were not accounted for before. -
Great Society
A set of domestic programs that were out in place by President LBJ.The main goal of the programs was to eliminate poverty and provide racial justice. It reduced the poverty rate by 19% -
Rust Belt Vs. Sun Belt
The rust belt was a term used from the great lakes to the upper midwest states it was called that because of the economic decline caused by industrialization. The sun belt is the south and southwestern part of the country. called the sunbelt because many people from the north moved south causing an economic boom