World War 1/Standardized Tests
Standardized Tests were a product of World War 1. These have remained in education ever since. These are a big help because you are able to test a large amount of people of all ages. This was a huge part of students lives in school as they were always taking them and were stressing over them. -
Brown Vs. Board of Eduction
This event made schools an equal opportunity for all people and made this world an "equal playing field." It made the world and specifically classrooms a more diverse place and in result opens up more for education in a sense. -
Public Law 94-142
This opened up yet another opportunity for all students to learn equally. Not only did this event have an impact on the students but also the students families. Many families have children with certain accommodations that need to be met in the classroom and this made it happen. -
Virtual Education
This event was hard to pin down a date because it is so evolving. Students started making the link in education in the early 1990's. Education has become almost dependent on technology. There are plenty of schools with a 1:1 ratio with students to device, there are also things like backwards classrooms that plenty of students go through. -
Raise in Teacher Evaluation
The raise in teacher evaluation has made it so teachers are more efficient. Not only does it do this but students going into education are being taught more so it helps them pass these with ease in their first few years of teaching. It raised the bar for teachers and students.