World War I
It started because Austria Hungary invaded provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, affecting Russian interests. -
Christmas Truce Miracle
On December 24th, in Ypres, Belgium, the German soldiers started to sing Christmas Carols and then the British soldiers started to sing too so for that moment they didn´t shoot and had a peaceful time.
https://earth.google.com/web/@50.8660349,2.87277504,6.81369513a,29349.59603987d,35y,-0h,0t,0r/data=CkoaSBJACiUweDQ3ZGNjZWZmNGMyMGUzZTc6MHg5OWYzMzViZWY0ODQzZjQwGcIyNnSzbElAIaodD8cEBgdAKgVZcHJlcxgCIAEoAg -
End of the World War I
It finished because all armies were devastated. -
The Great Depression
It occurred because of speculation, over production and uneven wealth distribution caused New York stock market crash.
https://earth.google.com/web/@40.7060006,-74.008801,4.11197997a,777.70005829d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=CkwaShJCCiUweDg5YzI1YTE2NWJlZGNjYWI6MHgyY2IyZGRmMDAzYjVhZTAxGWr6RzpeWkRAIQPLETKQgFLAKgdXYWxsIFN0GAIgASgCKAI -
World War II
It started because Germany broke the " No agression" pact and invaded Poland.
https://earth.google.com/web/@51.95375055,19.1343786,125.94244345a,1833865.35329036d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CksaSRJBCiQweDQ3MDA5OTY0YTQ2NDBiYmI6MHg5NzU3M2NhNDljYzU1ZWEZjln2JLD1SUAh5ngFoiclM0AqB1BvbG9uaWEYAiABKAI -
Cold War
Ideological fiht between the capitalist west and the socialist east. -
Creation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. -
Cuban Revolution
Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara wanted to defeat Fulgencio Batista´s dictatorship. -
European Union
Six European countries gathered and created the European Union involvin economic aspects. -
Vietnam War
The US and the Soviet Union focused in Vietnam so they divided it, but then Vietnam wanted to become one again so after the war they reunite.
https://earth.google.com/web/@15.79392525,105.9102078,253.77645955a,2863278.80639664d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CkwaShJCCiUweDMxMTU3YTRkNzM2YTFlNWY6MHhiMDNiYjBjOWUyZmU2MmJlGdAksaTcHSxAIfje36C9EVtAKgdWaWV0bmFtGAIgASgC -
Building of the Berlin Wall
It was built during the Cold War. -
A virus called AIDS was a big problem in the population in New York and San Francisco causing the death of around two million people around the world. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
With the fall of the wall the Cold War and the socialism ended.
https://earth.google.com/web/@51.17580575,10.45411935,231.90654991a,1865512.49153078d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=Ck0aSxJDCiUweDQ3OWE3MjFlYzJiMWJlNmI6MHg3NWU4NWQ2YjhlOTFlNTViGeoe2Vw1lUlAIV-Wdmou5yRAKghBbGVtYW5pYRgCIAEoAg -
South Africa´s President
Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa.
https://earth.google.com/web/@-25.7378285,28.2267422,1414.96102248a,940.40381599d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=ClUaUxJLCiUweDFlOTU2MWU4Nzk0OTBiY2I6MHhjYzkwZWViMWRiNzlhOTU0GYaOHVTivDnAIYOf3cYLOjxAKhBNYWhsYW1iYSBOZGxvcGZ1GAIgASgCKAI -
Twin Towers Attack
The AI-Qaeda group organized a terrorist attack to the Twin Towers in New York City.