History for Alexander Hamilton

By parpatu
  • Alexander Hamilton is Born

    Alexander Hamilton is Born
    WHen he was born.
  • Hamilton's Mother Dies

    Hamilton's Mother Dies
    In this year Hamilton's mom dies to leave him an orphan. Alexzander's mom was named Rachel Faucett and she died because of yellow fever. Alexander almost dies of yellow fever also.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    This was the year the Revolutionary Was started. Hamilton wants to help out so he joins the New York militia. As he is in the militia he is unable to complte is degree for education.
  • Federalist Papers

    Federalist Papers
    During this time period, Hamilton wrote most of the Federalist papers. He wrote 51 of the 85 Federalist papers in these 4 years to 1788. In these papers, he demonstrated the advantages of having a central government.
  • Anit-Slavery

    Hamilton did not like slavery at all, and he knew a lot about it because he grew up with it. In New York, he formed a Manumission Society to abolish slavery in New York. It was not just to abolish slavery but also to honor the ones who were already slaves.
  • Secreteay of the Treasurer

    Secreteay of the Treasurer
    President Washinton appoints Hamilton to be the secretary of the treasurer. His dad and the Senate both easily agree that Hamilton should be in this position. This is going on during the French revolution.
  • National Bank

    National Bank
    Hamilton asks for a national bank to be created. Hamilton proposes this bank because at the time America had very few banks.Thomas Jefferson opposed this plan to create a national bank.
  • National Bank Rejection

    National Bank Rejection
    As Hamilton proposed a national bank idea last year, many people opposed the plan. Madison, Jefferson, and Edmond Randolf all disapproved of the national bank. Washington still likes the idea of the bank so he tells Hamilton to defend the plan. This is how Hamiltons national bank idea went.
  • Whisky Rebellion

    Whisky Rebellion
    Hamilton helps out on taking the Whisky Rebellion out. He was alongside Goerge Washington to take the Rebellion down. Washington gets a huge army and they march out to take them out which they do. The Rebellion was a group of farmers putting a tax on Whisky.
  • Hamilton's Dad Dies

    Hamilton's Dad Dies
    Hamilton's dad James dies. James dies from old age. That same year his seventh child is born, her name is Eliza. Then Alexander's great friend Goerge Wahington dies.
  • Alexander Hamilton Dies

    Alexander Hamilton Dies
    Hamilton is in a duel with Arron Burr and he loses. This takes place on the Hudson River. Alexander is shot in the abdomen and was still proffesional over his last minutes.