History Final

By soniyak
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 was the first federal law that granted Native Americans with American citizenship. The law allowed all Native Americans born in the United States or United States territories with citizenship but did not allow them to vote in state or federal elections. It was the first step to giving Native Americans more rights, but did not allow them the same equal rights as European or other non-Native Americans.
  • Mexican Repatriation

    Mexican Repatriation
    The Mexican Repatriation began in 1929 and continued until 1939. This political cartoon shows an American wearing a top hat forcing supposed Mexicans to leave America, even though they are Americans. This shows how thousands of people were forced to leave even though they were born in America.
  • Hoover Inaugurated

    Hoover Inaugurated
    Hoover was elected the year America's economy plummeted and tried his best to deal with the collapse but was not very successful.
  • Hoover Dam Authorized

    The Hoover Dam was named after president Herbert Hoover and its main goal was the control the flooding from the Colorado River while also using the river to bring electricity to farmers living around it. It was authorized by FDR.
  • Black Thursday

    Sell or trade- but make sure you get rid of your stocks!
    The stock market opened 11% lower than yesterday, people panic as they scramble to sell their stocks.
  • Hoovervilles Pop Up

    Hoovervilles Pop Up
    This map shows where Hoovervilles popped up and where they were in March 1934 in a small part of Connecticut. It shows how many Hoovervilles popped up in such a small area due to the rising rates of homelessness and poverty.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was signed into law by President Herbert Hoover and supported by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley. The law raised taxes on more than 20,000 imported goods and was meant to encourage Americans to buy goods made in the United States. Critics of the act believed that it prolonged the Great Depression.
  • Al Capone Opens a Soup Kitchen

  • Norris La-Guardia Act

    Norris La-Guardia Act
    This political cartoon shows an owner of a big business telling his assistant to press a button if there is a dire emergency. When the assistant asks to clarify what an emergency is, he tells him that it is the formation of a union. This shows that CEOs resented labor unions because they didn't want people to find a way to fight for their fair labor rights which the Norris La-Guardia Act changed, as it helped protect workers in labor unions.
  • Bonus Army March

    Bonus Army March
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected

    Does a new president mean new hope for America? Roosevelt's landslide victory promises hope for the future. His 'New Deal' plans may be the way out of the depression.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    The Emergency Banking Act was created in response to the multiple bank failures during the Great Depression. The act closed all public banks for four days to be inspected which gave Americans more confidence in banks and boosted the stock market.
  • Roosevelt's First Fireside Chat

    Roosevelt Reaches Thousands!
    Roosevelt went live with his first fireside chat today- will this be the key to unifying the nation and restoring Americans' faith?
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act was a federal law created during the new deal to help boost the prices by reducing surplus crops. The government bought livestock to slaughter and paid farmers subsidies generated through a tax on companies that processed farm products.
  • Glass-Steagall Act

    Glass-Steagall Act
    This political cartoon shows different laws and acts that were being funded by taxpayer money, however, the taxpayers didn't have enough money to keep funding these acts. The pig representing the Glass-Steagall Act is saying that the government might want to rethink having all of these acts funded by taxpayers in debt, which shows that the Glass-Steagall Act was meant to support people in debt by restoring their faith in banks.
  • Public Works Administration Created

    Public Works Administration Created
  • San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins

    San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins
    This map shows how the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge connects San Francisco and Oakland. The construction of the bridge was significant as it provided people with an easier way to cross the bay.
  • Prohibition Repealed

    Buy your liquor today! Alcohol is legal again!
    The 18th amendment has been repealed- will speakeasies go out of business?
  • Civil Works Emergency Relief Act

    The Civil Works Emergency Relief Act was the first initiate of the New Deal that got the federal government directly involved in the lives of citizens. It stated that the federal government would be involved in dealing with America's economic crises rather than only state governments.
  • Schector vs United States

    The Schector vs United States case abolished the the National Industrial Recovery Act. It ruled that the act was unconstitutional because it gave too much legislative power to the president and other industrial groups. It also ruled that the NIRA had too much control on interstate commerce.
  • Wagner Act

    The Wagner Act was also known as the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. It allowed employees to organize into unions and engage in collective bargaining. It also let them go on strikes. This was the first step in workers gaining more rights and being treated fairly by employers.
  • First Social Security Number Issued

    First Social Security Number Issued
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    The Fair Labor Standards Act created a minimum wage requirement for workers. It also prohibited child labor and required employers to pay for workers working overtime. This act is still in effect today.
  • FHA Establishes Standards for Home Construction

    The Federal Housing Association created standards for home construction during FDR's presidency as part of the New Deal. The FHA allowed for people to have safer homes and be better prepared for various natural disasters.