200,000 BCE
These are an extinct human species, who are the closest ancient human relatives. The became extinct because they were unable to adapt hunting methods in order to survive during the Ice Age. -
Period: 40,000 BCE to 80,000 BCE
Clovis People
The name is derived from the spear point found near Clovis, New Mexico, inhabited the entire present-day United States and northern Mexico. Very little records of their lives were documented. -
Period: 29,000 BCE to 1500 BCE
The Minoans
A very advanced civilization, with a written language and paintings left on walls to explain the daily life of ancient people Disappeared due to natural causes and catastrophes. -
8000 BCE
Neolithic Revolution (The Beginning of Agriculture)
This time period was very important time in human history. During this time, hunters and gatherers begin to settle down into villages and began farming and domesticating animals. -
7000 BCE
This Neolithic city, in modern day turkey. Catalhoyuk is a great example of the kind of place hunter and gatherers began settling down. -
6500 BCE
Mohenjo Daro and Harappa
These cities are located in modern day Pakistan and West India and also located in the Indus River Valley. -
2055 BCE
Battle of Tours
The battle led by Charles Martel reunited the Kingdom of France. It resulted in the defeat of the Muslims. -
Period: 1500 BCE to 30
The Egyptian Kingdom: The New Kingdom
This time period include some of Egypt's most famous pharaohs and what most people think about ancient Egypt. -
207 BCE
Qin Dynasty in China
Period: 250 to 900
Mayan Empire
The period when Mayan civilizations reached their highest state of development. -
Christianity Rises
Buddism Rises
In India -
Period: 525 to 330 BCE
The Persian Empire
After the death of Kin Cyrus, his son rose to power and created the largest empire in human history that stretched from eastern Africa to India. -
The Empire Strikes Back
Constantine divided the empire into two parts; Rome capital of western empire, Constantinople capital of eastern empire (Byzantine). When Rome fell, it was just the western empire that fell, not the eastern -
Islam Rises
In Iraq (Perisa) -
Battle of Hastings
William, a Norman visitor, defeated King Harold destroying his forces and creating the fall of the Anglo-Saxon era. -
Pope Urban II
A war to take back the Holy Land from the Empire of Islam. -
King Louis IX
Lead the Eighth Crusade against Egypt which ended in defeat the following year and his death in South Africa. -
The Black Plague
Everyone was looking to blame someone for the spread of the plague. People started to believe the Jews were poisoning the water. On February 14th, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre occurred in Germany where Jews had to choose to convert or die. Over 1000 Jews were buried alive. -
The Beginning of the Renaissance "Age of Enlightenment"
During this time period many things occurred such as the reformation of the church, the Spanish inquisition- exploration of the new world, and many other events. -
Spanish Inquisition
The desire to create a religious unity and weaken local political authorities was the reason behind this inquisition. Along with making a profit on those found guilty of heresy. -
The End of the Renaissance "Age of Enlightenment"
French and Indian War
This event occurred in the Ohio River Valley. The English and French battled for colonial domination. The British were provided with enormous territorial gains in North America. -
Sons of Liberty
American patriots organization that oriented in the North American colonies. Formed to protect the rights of the colonists and take to the streets against the abuses of the British gov't. -
Boston Massacre
This was an incident that ended in 5 colonist dead. This began the spread of the anti-British revolution views. -
Boston Tea Party
Americans dumped 342 boxes of tea into the harbor after becoming angry about the taxation of tea. They demanded there be "no taxation without representation." -
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
This event happened in Middlesex providence. It is known as the "shot heard around the world." It was the beginning of the Revolutionary War, and the goal was to destroy the British weapons and set back their army. -
US Constitution
Addition of the 10 amendments protecting certain civil rights. -
Period: to
Jim Crow Laws
State and local laws that enforced racial segregation in Southern United States. -
Louisiana Territory
Land acquired by the United States for a sum of $15 million. It nearly doubled the size of the US. -
Indian Tribal Removal
Jefferson relocated Indian Tribes to the Louisiana territory West of the Mississippi River in order to open lands for the eventual American settlers -
Slave Ban
Jefferson drafted and signed into law a bill banning the importation of slaves into the US. -
The War of 1812
The cause of this war was a series of economic sanctions by the British and French against the US, as a part of the Napoleonic Wars