Annapoli5 Convention
Philadelphia Constitutional Convention
Washington inaugurated
first american factory
Bill of Rights ratified
political parties organized
Louis XVI beheaded
cotton gin
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Whisky Rebellion
John Adams president
Alien and Sedition Acts
KY and VA Resolutions
XYZ affair
Judiciary Act
Barbary pirates
Louisiana Purchase
Marbury v. Madison
Hamilton/Burr duel
Lewis/Clark expidition begins
Berlin & Milan decrees
Embargo Act
Clermont steam boat
Madison president
Non Intercourse Act
Macon's Bill #2
Battle of Tippecanoe
Battle of Lake Erie and Battle of Thames
Star Spangled Banner
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of New Orleans
Monroe president
American Colonization Society
Transcontinental Treaty
Monroe Doctrine
J.Q.Adams president
Gibbons v. Ogden
Tariff of Abominations
Jackson president
Lloyd's the Liberator
Specie Circular
VanBuren president
Trail of Tears
William H Harrison president
JohnTyler president
Young's mormon migration
ME alcohol ban
Moby Dick
Leaves of Grass