history film project

By zyoun
  • wheel of life

    wheel of life
    The first machine patented in the United States that showed animated pictures was a device called the “wheel of life”or “zoopraxiscope”.madeby William Lincoln moving drawings or photographs were watched through a slit
  • a simple horse bet

    a simple horse bet
    edward mibridge was watching horse run and he bet that if a horse was running full speed that all of his hooves are off the ground and this one bet started it all
  • First commercial

    First commercial
    the first commercial exhibition of film took place and millions of people went to it to watch and see what was gonna come in the future
  • how it all started

    how it all started
    kinetoscope parlor you would stand behind of the machine open one eye and watch moving pictures 1 by 1 thomas edison invented it, one of the disadvantages is it is only made for one person
  • lumiere brothers

    lumiere brothers
    the lumirer brother invented a projector called cinematographe, in 1895 they showed a short film (30), to watch it he charged them one franc. one of the best short film was a boy with his hand in a fish bowl.
  • nickelodeon

    lumiere invention with the short films evolved into vaudeville they would do skits and more, the reason why they called it nickelodeon because it cost a nickel to watch it
  • great train robbery

    great train robbery
    in 1903 the first considered narrative movie that told a entire story, it involved cross cutting and film angles it was directed by Edwin porter. It was considered a epic
  • Cooper Hewitt

    Cooper Hewitt
    Cooper hewitt was the first one who made mercury lamps so instead of having too outside to film with the sun the mercury lamp could be the sun
  • First animimated cartoon

    First animimated cartoon
    Blackton also made the first drawn work of a standard film, he made tons of animated funny faces and animated objects laughing or smiling
  • nickelodeon

    nickelodeon had over 26 million people watching the their films and moving images and they are continuously still growing and want to be a monopoly
  • Actors Credit

    Actors Credit
    american actors get to receive credit for all of the work they do on these films and thats is when american actors was very popular (famous)
  • monopoly

    thomas edison started the mppc they owned film stock, cameras,and the owned all of the actors, if you ever tried to swich up the buisness it is most likely that thomas edison and his goons will come and break your equipment
  • credits on movies

    credits on movies
    The credits that would naturally appear at the end of movies would be at the beginning of the movies because they knew that the people would just come for the movie and leave as soon as the credits roll
  • carl lemmle

    carl lemmle
    car lemmle created the first major film studio ever named Universal studios
  • America sweetheart

    America sweetheart
    charlie chaplin his movies was not just comedy it showed everybody that we are all equal, he mocked and made fun of world leaders
  • 2nd America sweetheart

    2nd America sweetheart
    mary pickford was a actor and produce, all of the movies that she has been in she said that every movie meaning mean something to her
  • Warner bros

    Warner bros
    the company of warner bros was founded by albert,samuel,jack, and harry warner. the brothers started showing moving pictures in ohio and Pennsylvania.
  • Refreshment stands

    Refreshment stands
    theaters started opening refreshment stands for the costumers
  • drive in movie

    drive in movie
    In 1934 the first movie drive in was created,but the screen was not a project screen they have actually painted it on the wall and just played the movie on top of it
  • Walts disney full movie

    Walts disney full movie
    snow white and the seven dwarfs it is produce by walts disney and originally released by RKO based on a fairy tale