History Film

  • Early period

    Early period
    A film under a minute long. Usually a single scene authentic or stagaed.
  • cranking

    Camera cranking had become popular. Same film footage wasa ble to be made.
  • aniamtion

    this was the beggining of when the start of animation had first begun.
  • Doulble Exposure

    Doulble Exposure
    A camera that was used for a double feature. It was filmed in black then by the end of ot the re exposed the negatives.
  • multi

    Cameras that could create multi shots became somthing. Made films musch more popular when used.
  • camera speeds

    camera speeds
    The use of different camera speeds and angles
  • nickelodoen

    the year that you had to only pay a nickel just to watch the vidoe or film
  • cinemas

    cinama films had been producted
  • film stars

    film stars
    actors had recieved screen credits and the creation of screen film was open
  • film countires

    film countires
    more places had started making and filiming more films
  • Monumental production

    Monumental production
    A movie that lasted 8 hours. It was called Photdrama Of Creation. A projector had tol be used to watch this film
  • silent era ended

    silent era ended
    The silenet era was when the movies or scenes were all silient. By this time in 1923 they finally had fixed the technological problems to create a sound with them