
  • Nikola Tesla come to America

    Nikola tesla, after arrviing to Ameica, sold his patent rights for the transformer, dynamo, and motors to George Westinghouse.
  • "wireless telegraphy" demonstrated

    Mahlon Loomis, a dentist, was able to make a meter connected to one kite cause another one to move.
  • First transatlantic radiotelegraph message

    Marconi was succesful in transmitting the message "S" from England to NewFoundland. This took two years.
  • Radio Act of 1912

    Required all land radio and ship stations to be staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days week.
  • Marines adopt the radio

    There was little communications for ships out at sea before the radio. Visula signals were used and were still used after the radio was in use for ships.
  • The Golden Era makes radio big

    With the Great Depression's arrival people began to rely on the radio for retreat.
  • radio stations are made

  • first radio station

    In Pennselvania, KDKA became the first radio station
  • BBC came to exist

    It became the British Broadcasting Corporation when it was granted a Royal Charter.
  • FM radio invented

    Edwin Armstrong invented the FM transmission. It had a higher range and better sound quality. So it was the new thing to use for music, while am was left for radio talks.