Versailles Treaty is created
Vilna :Polish-Lithuanian dispute
The League begins to function
First section in Paris
Aaland islands dispute
Finland and Sweden -
Upper Silesian settlement
Washington Coference
Rapallo treaty
Corfu dipute
war between Greece and Albania in Corfu -
The Dawes plan
Genebra protocol
Lorcarno treaties
Bulgaria dispute
Greece vs Bulgaria -
Germany is admitted to the league
Kellogg-Briand pact
The General Treaty for the Renunciation of War
Young Plan
The Great Depression
Manchuria crisis
Japan army invades Manchura
Hitler is Chancellor of Germany
The League admits the Soviet Union
Abyssinia crisis
Germany and Italy no longer participated in The League
This happens that Hitler is in power in Germany and in Italy is Musollini in power. And these two disagreed with the league of nations. -
World War II begins
The end of The Ligue of Nations