Headright System
The head of the family (Father) name was put into this big jar thing and the name that was drawn out was the person that got free land. Immigrants from all over came to georgia to try to win some lad and the more kids you had the more times your name was put n there. (GeorgiaEncyclopedia) -
Cotton Gin
FIrst machine that separated the cotton from the seeds of the cotton. Increased the demand for slaves in Georgia by 1.6 million. (Georgia Encyclopedia) -
Andrew Jackson
Seventh president of The United States did not support indians being and land that had gold on it. He took control of the american troops in January of 1818 and started the indian removal act as a case in the supreme court.(GeorgiaEncyclopedia) -
Dahlonega Gold Rush
Georgians found gold on native land and fought to kick them off the land to get the gold. It made natives have to walk to a new state (Oklahoma) killing hundreds of natives on there journey there this is why it was called the Trail Of Tears. (GeorgiaEncyclopedia) -
Trail of Tears
Indians living in Dahlonega had to move because someone found gold on their land and the indians were not considered people. Many natives died on the walk from Georgia to Okaholma and immagrants flooded into Georgia to try to find some of the gold for there own.(GeorgiaInfo)