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  • 1764 the sugar act

    1764 the sugar act
  • 1765 the stamp act

    1765 the stamp act
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    The extended the canadian provonce of Quebec south to the Ohio river, also allowed for the French Canadians to use their own legal system which did not provide for a trail by jury and which also recognize the Roman1 Catholic Church
  • 1775

    May 1775 and the summer of 1776.the convention of delegates from the delegates from the 13 colonies that started meeting in the spring of 1775 in Pennsylvania.
  • 1776

    The 2nd Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson. This established that the United States was an independent nation.
  • 1781

    In Virginia, on the Yorktown peninsula, Cornwallis found himself cornered by the combined forces of Washington's Continental Army and the French army and French fleet. These forces began seige operations against the British troops isolated at Yorktown. On October 17, 1781, Cornwallis sought terms of surrender.
  • 1783

    The final peace treaty was signed in Paris
  • 1787

    Congress had authority to make war,and settle for interstate disputes. They had very little power to enforce new laws.