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The Enlightenment Period
The enlightenment Period, the age when there was a strong scientific and academic movement. This period was between 1650 and 1800 -
Industrial Revolution in England
The industrial revolution begins in England
Machines start taking over jobs -
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Industrial revoloution in America
The start of the American revolution and the us declaration of independence. -
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American war of independence
Adam smith publishes an Enquiry
Adam smith publishes an inquiry to the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. that creates some foundation about the basic ideas of capitalism -
Botany Bay
With the arrival of the First fleet at botany bay. British imperialism extends to australia -
England extends To Australia
England extends to Australia through the first fleet at Botany Bay -
Declaration of the rights of man
liberty, equality, fraternity -
The Reign of Terror
Parisian Insurrectionists massacred hundreds of accused counterrevolutionaries. -
French Revoloution
The French revolution begins ending the monarchy that ruled for centuries