Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Ther treaty was signed between Germany and Russia, in which Russia lost 25% of its population and its best lands. -
Wilson's proposal, for joining the L.O.N., does not pass in the Congress
wilson was a democrat -
Hitler joined the soon-to-be Nazi Party
he almost immediately became in-charge of propaganda and political ideas of the party -
Signing of the T.O.V. by Germany
Freidrich Ebert, German leader, signs the Treaty of Versailles. -
Kapp Putsch
a right-wing revolution attempt that was led by Wolfgang Kapp, alongside 5000 Freikorps. The rebellion was stopped by a general strike of the Berlin workers -
USA won't be joining the League
Wilson'sproposal, again, was not passed in the Congress. Apart from this, in the 1920 elections, The Republican candidate ( Warren Harding), who advertised for Isolationism, beat the Democrat candidate ( who was not Wilson, as his health was on a decline) -
Poland and Lithuania dispute (-)
The league did not intervene, due to Britain's reluctance. -
25 pt. programme introduced ( Name changes to Nazi)
Reparations under the T.O.V.
The exact figure for it was decided at 6,600 mil pounds. -
First installment of Reparations were paid
The first installment of the reparations was paid -
Finland and Sweden dispute; over the Aaland islands (+)
The league's ruling that the islands belonged to Sweden was accepted by Finland -
Germany and Poland; dispute over Upper Silesia
Succesful for the League- the league conducted a plebiscite and divide the land proportionally according to the vote -
USA, France, Britain, and Japan agreed to limit the size of their Navy -
Hitler removes Drexler as Leader
his energy, commitment, and passion began attracting attention.
His meeting became so successful that other people began disrupting them. To protect the meetings the SA were introduced by Hitler. -
German politician assasinated
Walter Rathenau, Germany's foreign minister, was assasinated -
No payment!
The annual installment of reparations was not paid by Germany.
This caused the Ruhr crisis in 1923 -
Refugee Crisis in Turkey
A refugee crisis broke out in Turkey. Refugee camps were set up by the Refugees commission, and in it, the spread of contagious diseases was controlled. -
USSR and Germany reestablished Diplomatic relations -
Munich Putsch
The rebellion attempt was led by Hitler and the Old war Hero Ludendorf. The public did not rise up to support Hitler, so the rebellion failed. Hitler got off very lightly after trial for treason -
Crisis in the Ruhr
French and Belgian Soldiers took what was owed to them, in the form of raw materials etc. A passive resistance was ordered by the government which led to the violent treatment of workers. This was one of the causes for the Hyperinflation crisis -
Corfu ( Italy and Greece) (-)
Mussolini being unreasonable, exacted reparations out of Greece via the Conference of Ambassadors. IN the process he also bombed and occupied the Island of Corfu. The League had the potential to stop him but didn't do so as the league was reluctant in going against the Italian leader -
The Geneva Protocol
Was drawn up by Britain in France to ensure that the League's ruling was followed. This ultimately ended up weakening the League's integrity even more, as Britain decided not to join due to a
prioritisation of their self-interest. -
USA lent money to Germany to avert an economic crisis and assist Germany in paying its reparation. -
Bulgaria-Greece: Border incident (+)
An incident occurred at the Greek and Bulgarian border. A meeting was called decisively, and the League produced a ruling that pronounced that the Greeks shall have to pay 45,000 pounds in reparations. The Greek obeyed the conditions of the ruling -
Germany accepted its Westen Borders ( German-French borders). This paved the way for Germany being accepted in the L.O.N. -
65 nations agreed to not use force to settle disputes -
Germany's reparations were reduced -
Wall Street Crash
The wall street crash happened in the US, which led to a worldwide economic depression. -
Manchurian Crisis ( Invasion 1)
The Japanese controlled part of the Chinese railway. Allegedly, the railway was attacked by Chinese troops. This was used as an excuse to set up a Japanese Government in China -
League officials finally present their report
China had appealed to the League in light of Japanese occupation. It took the League, one year to make the official reach China, and completely assess the situation. So, the report was completed in 1932, in which it was stated that Manchuria should rightfully be returned to China. -
Japan decides to invade more of China
Instead of withdrawing from China, the Japanese decide to invade more of China. -
Secret Rearmament of Germany
Hitler begins his secret Rearmament of Germany, to boost employment and deliver on his promise to make Germany a world power. Publicly, he would suggest his stance, being against rearmament. -
Japan leaves the League
After the league's members condemned Japan's actions in a meeting, through a vote, Japan left the League. -
Abyssinian invasion occurs
A dispute at the Wal-Wal oasis inside Abyssinia, caused Mussolini to claim the land as actually belonging to Italy. A full-on invasion was planned, and Mussolini was not discouraged even as Haile Selassie asked for help from the League. In the duration, the STRESA PACT was signed too, that guaranteed the unity of Italy, France, and Britain against the rearmament of Hitler. -
Full-on invasion of Abyssinia
Mussolini began the full-scale invasion of Abyssinia -
Hoare-Laval pact
British and French foreign minister designed a plan in which they would offer Mussolini 2/3 of Abyssinia in return for him stopping the Abyssinian campaign. They planned on proposing it to Mussolini first from everyone else. Their plans were revealed to the Media. This caused all momentum in the sanctions' discussion to be lost and also caused the Americans to get disgusted. After this scandal, the American blocked a move to support the League's sanctions and, increased their exports to Italy -
Rearmamet Rally (Public)
Hitler begins a rearmament rally in Germany. This did not spark major concern for 2 reasons. One, that rearmament was a common exercise then to boost employment and two, because secretly the British thought it justified for Germany to rearm as they were of the opinion that the terms of the Treaty were too harsh. -
Naval agreement ( Britain-France)
In this treaty, Britain allowed the Germany Navy to grow to 35% of the British Navy's size. This led to Hitler realising that The British did not actually mind Germany's rearmament. -
Saar Plebiscite (+ for the League)
As was promised by the League, a plebiscite for the Saar region was held, in which the League acted firmly with Hitler. Goebbels held a massive campaign which led to a 90% vote to join Germany. -
League's ruling on the Abyssinian conflict
League made a statement saying that neither side was at fault, and that a portion of Abyssinia would be given to Mussolini. Despite this almost being a present, the plan was rejected by Mussolini. -
Rome-Berlin axis
Mussolini and Hitler signed an agreement of their own. This was contrary to British and French expectations, with regard to their Handling of the Abyssinian Crisis, which led them to believe that Mussolini would be more likely to partner with them due to his promises in the Stresa Pact (1935) -
Reintroduction of Conscription in Germany
Remilitarisation of Rhineland
German troops moved into Rhineland, The demilitarised zone between Germany and France. It is widely believed that this was a gamble on Hitler's part, as the German army's strength was much less than the French Army's, but to give credit to Hitler, he had considered certain aspects of the time that he used to his advantage. ( ex.- Ongoing Abyssinian Crisis, USSR and France signed a pact guaranteeing mutual protection, France's leaders were Hesitant in taking action due to upcoming Elections.) -
The Spanish Civil war
A civil instability was caused due to the fight between the Republican government and the right-wing General Franco. The former were supported indirectly by Britain and France, and Franco was supported by Mussolini and Hitler. Franco won and a right-wing dictatorship was established. This was vital in testing out German weapons and strengthening the bond between Mussolini and Hitler. This also convinced Hitler of Britain's non interventional tendencies. This convinced Chamberlain to avoid war -
Japan signs the anti-comintern pact
Comintern- USSR's organisation to spread communism -
Complete Annexation of Abyssinia
Mussolini annexes the entirety of Abyssinia -
Britain begins rearming
Britain began rearming. This was done, as had commonly become a practice then- a method to reduce unemployment. -
Second Sino-Japanese war breaks out
Japan and China have intensified military interactions. -
Italy joins the anti-comintern. Axis alliance is formed.
Hitler demands part of Sudetenland
Although Hitler had promised that he had no designs on Czechoslovakia, the Nazi party in Sudetenland was asked to stir up trouble, after which Hitler began saying that he was prepared to fight Czechoslovakia. Leader of Austria, Benes had already asked for Britain and France's guarantee for protection against Hitler. This cause tensions to rise in the summer of 1938 -
Chamberlain tries talking it out with HItler
At the first meeting, Hitler said that he only wanted parts of Sudetenland, that too only if a plebiscite allowed it. Chamberlain thought this reasonable, -
Hitler lols Chamberlain
and so on SEpt. 19 he proposed this plan to the Leader of Czechoslovakia. Soon after this, in a second meeting, Hitler said that he regretted the previous arrangements, and now he wanted all of Sudetenland ( He claimed that Germans were being mistreated). For this the British Navy was mobilised. Hitler wanting Sudetenland was a tactical move as Hitler knew that without Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia would weaken -
Munich Agreement
Without consulting either UUSR or Czechoslovakia, it was decide that all of Sudetenland would be given away to Germany. This was decided by France, Italy, Germany and France. By, this time Hitler had lost his trust, as Chamberlain began approving massive increase in arms spending. -
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
No resistance was faced in the full scale occupation of Czechoslovakia by German soldiers.. For Chamberlain, this was a step too far and he declared that war would be declared on Germany if they invaded any further. Taking evidence from past experiences, Hitler believed that no action would be taken really. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Stalin looked for a strategic treaty, but not with Britain or France because He had lost their trust. ( viewed France and Britain as powerless , thought any treaties with them were inefficient and believed that they didn't mind German rearmament. He also kept the Munich Agreement in the back of his mind in which he wasn't consulted For Germany this prevented a war on 2 fronts. For the USSR this meant that they had more time to build their strength. This cleared the way for Poland's invasion