
  • Nov 4, 1520

    king of Sweden

    king of Sweden
    Danish-Norwegian king Christian II was crowned king of Sweden.
  • Nov 4, 1529

    English Lord

    English Lord
    Thomas Wolsey, English Lord Chancellor and cardinal, was arrested.
  • Samuel Scheidt

    Samuel Scheidt
    Samuel Scheidt, German organist and composer, was baptized.
  • “People’s Unity Day"

    “People’s Unity Day"
    Russia drove Catholic Poles and Lithuanians out of Moscow. This marked the end of the "Time of Troubles," a period of popular uprisings and fighting between noblemen and pretenders to the throne. Russian Orthodox Church celebrated this day as the victory of the forces of Eastern Orthodoxy over the forces of Western Catholicism. In 2005 Russia chose this day for the new “People’s Unity Day" holiday.
  • Prince of Orange and King of England

    Prince of Orange and King of England
    William III, Prince of Orange and King of England, was born (November 14)
  • William and Mary

    William and Mary
    William and Mary were married in England on William's birthday. William of Orange married his cousin Mary (daughter to James, Duke of York and the same James II who fled in 1688).
  • English vice-admiral

    English vice-admiral
    John Benbow, English vice-admiral (Santa Marta), died.
  • The Bandbox Plot

    The Bandbox Plot
    The Bandbox Plot, an attempt to kill Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford and Lord Treasurer, was foiled by Jonathan Swift (the author of Gulliver’s Travels), who happened to be visiting Harley.
  • Anthony van Hoboken

    Anthony van Hoboken
    Anthony van Hoboken, Rotterdam merchant-ship owner, was born
  • Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus discovered Guadeloupe during his second expedition