History decade project

  • Hip- Hop

    Hip- Hop
    A new fashion style that included hoddies, dark fitted jeans, and trainers
  • Period: to


    The bombing attack on the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and a fallen plane in a Pennslyvania corn field
  • I love you Emails

    I love you Emails
    The i love you email virus was started by a teenager causing multi-billion dollars in damages to software
  • survior

    Formed a outline of reality TV
  • Napster

    Becomes the 1st free internet downloading site but they were later sued
  • Hiliray Clinton

    Hiliray Clinton
    She was elected to the U.S. senate and became the 1st women to win elected office
  • 9/11

    The terriost group al-Queda attacked Twin Towers, Pentagon and a Pennslyvania coen field killing over 3,000 people
  • P. Diddy

    P. Diddy
    He was the biggest artist of the year
  • Iraq

    American troops are sent over to fight the war
  • WiFi

    Wireless internet is now avvaible to cell phones and laptops
  • American Idol

    American Idol
    Kelly Clarkson is voted the first winner of new show American Idol
  • Mark Zuckerman

    Mark Zuckerman
    The creator of facebook
  • Homeland Sercurity

    Homeland Sercurity
    Homeland Sercurity was created to protect US from further terriost attacks
  • Columbia Space shuttle

    Columbia Space shuttle
    Columbia space shuttle exploded during launch killing all seven members
  • Same sex marriage

    Same sex marriage
    Massachusetts becomes the first state to allow same sex marriage
  • YouTube

    It was created and became the worlds largest video sharing site
  • Jonas Brothers

    Jonas Brothers
    They sign first record deal
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    One of the strongest hurricane in american history and left 80% of New Oreleans underwater, killing 1,500 people
  • Hannah Montana

    Hannah Montana
    A show about a teenage girl living two different lives
  • Virginia Tech massare

    Virginia Tech massare
    Americas worst school shooting killing a total of 33 people
  • IPhone

    The first all touch screen phone is released by Apple
  • Rescession

    America gets hit by the rescession causing millions to lose their homes and jobs
  • Obama

    Barack Obama becomes the first black person to be elected president
  • AIG

    The bank AIG goes into debt broughing 170 billion dollars and paid their excutives 165 million dollars in bonues with it.
  • H1N1

    The swine flu becomes deadly to many americans and europe
  • Justin Bieber

    Justin Bieber
    Releases first song baby
  • Micheal Jackson

    Micheal Jackson
    the king of pop dies
  • iPad

    Fisrt all touch screen tablet released by Apple
  • Born This Way

    Born This Way
    Lady Gaga releases her first album