history communication

  • motorola Dyna TAC 8000X

    motorola Dyna TAC 8000X
    Analogy Montorola DynaTAC 8000X Advanced mobile phone system mobile phone as of 1983
  • Period: to


  • motorola microTAC 98000X

    motorola microTAC 98000X
    The first truly portable phone . Up until its release , most cellular phones were installed as car phone due to the inability to fi them into a jacket pocket.
  • motorola international 3200

    motorola international 3200
    The first digital in size mobile telephone
  • bellsouth/IBM simon personal communicator

    bellsouth/IBM simon personal communicator
    The IBM simon was the first PDA / phone combo
  • nokia1011

    This was the first mass- produced GSM phone
  • motorola starTAC

    The first clamshell celluar phone . Also one of the first display screens featured on a cellphone
  • nokia9110i

    This iteration of Nokia's communicator series significantly reducede the weigh of this precursor to the smartphone
  • nokia8210

    This phone was loved for its customizable design, but hated for its screen fade .
  • nokia5510

    this phone featured all full QWERTY keyboard . It could also store up to 64mb of music