Marcus' Timeline

  • Period: to

    Democratic National Convention

    Where the next president and vice president of the United States of America are nominated.
    Important because its where new presidents are nominated.
  • April 1919 mail bombs

    Bombs were sent in the mail throughout America, this series of bombing let to the Red Scare in 1919-1920
  • Boston Police Strike

    Boston Police went on strike because they wanted recognition for their trade union and for their wages and working conditions to improve.
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    Palmer Raids

    Raids that happened during the first red scare, the mission was to capture and arrest mainly Italians and Eastern European immigrants.
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    Pentagon Papers

    Top Secrete department study done by the Department of Defence about US involvement in Vietnam.
    This is important because it spotlighted the bad things the US did and planned during the Vietnam War.
  • Marshall Plan

    This plan was created to help European countries recover their economy, so they would not fall to communism.
    This is really important because, it helped countries not fall to communism, which would be bad.
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    Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin was split into two sections, East and West, Soviet Union blocked the Allies from access to roads and railroads.
    This is significant because, it was one of the first major issues, and it kickstarted The Cold War.
  • NATO

    Military Alliance between North American and European Countries.
    Nato is significant because it allied countries together to prevent future wars and conflict.
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    Korean War

    A war between North and South Korean.
    Significant because North Korean was Communist so we had to fight to help South Korea fight because we couldn't have it also fall to communism.
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    Geneva Conference

    It was a conference post-Korean war to meet about issues resulting from past wars.
  • Election of JFK

    35th president
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    Bay of Pigs

    Failed invasion in Cuba led by rebels to the Fidel Castro's Revolution,
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    Berlin Wall

    Wall that divided West and East Berlin.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    Fight between the United States and the Soviet Union. The US discovered that the Soviets Union was deploying Ballistic Missiles in Cuba and the US didn't like that.
    This is really important because the Soviet Union could now reach the US with Bombs and Nuclear weapons.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Date JFK was assassinated
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    An act passed that allowed the United States to fight back against Vietnam, at all costs.
    Important because it helped us fight the Vietnam War.
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    Tet Offensive

    Group of attacks carried out by the North Vietnamese.
  • My Lai Massacre

    The mass murder of Civilians carried out by US Troops in South Vietnam.
    Important because as Ms. Conroy says, you got to look at the ugly parts of history too.
  • Nixon's actions in Cambodia

    President Nixon authorized the secret bombings in Cambodia.
    Important because it escalated the Vietnam War.
  • Kent State University shooting

    Shooting in Ohio, where protesters were shot by the National Guard.
    Important because they were protesting for peace but got the opposite.
  • War Powers Act

    Act passed that limited the President's power to lock the US into an armed war.
    Important because it makes the country think more about declaring war.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    An agreement that ended the Vietnam war and gave peace to Vietnam.
    Important because it ended the War.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Saigon is the capital of Vietnam, in 1975 is when it got taken over by the Vietnam Army and the Viet Cong.
    Significant because it marked the end of Vietnam war.