History Class Timeline 2017-2018

  • Steam boat

    Steam boat
  • The Lewis and Clark journey

    The Lewis and Clark journey
    They Lewis and Clark journey is two men exploring the Louisiana purchase. They discovered over 200 new animals and plants.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was land that was owned by the French. Spain shut down new Orleans which was the main shipping spot. Thomas Jefferson asked to buy it and they said how about 15 million dollars for the Louisiana purchase. The main impacts are that they found over 200 new species of plants and animals. The person that went to them to buy it was Thomas Jefferson.
  • The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution
    The Texas Revolution was a rebellion of colonists from the United States and Tejanos in putting up armed resistance to the centralist government of Mexico.
  • The Donner party

    The Donner party
    The Donner party was a group of American pioneers led by George Donner and James F. Reed. They were heading to California by a wagon train. They got stuck up in the mountains in Sierra Nevada. They ran out of food and supplies. They killed there own kind and ate each other.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    Gold was found in California by James W. Marshal. The whole world known about it because the word was spread. You had all types of race working there for gold other people killed each other for their gold.
  • Telephone

  • Automobile

  • Airplane
