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History class timeline 2016-2017

  • Jan 1, 1572

    Machu Pichu

    Machu Pichu
    Machu Pichu is a mountain top city in Peru. Were over thousand Inca people lived. Then one day all the Inca people suddenly fled no one knows why they fled or where they went. All scientists know is that they think that the Inca people may have built their city on secrad ground. Till this day no one knows why they really fled.
  • Moai Statues of Easter Island

    Moai Statues of Easter Island
    Easter island was found by Dutch Explorers in 1722 when explorers found the island they found 887 statues of heads which are now called Maoi statues. The island was deserted no signs of any human life. No one know who built the 887 Maoi statues and don't know why. Till this day no one knows how they got there.
  • The United States Declared Independance

    The United States Declared Independance
    this is the day the British Colonies anouncced there independence to the world. The people who were in the committee was Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, And Thomas Jefferson. In that committee are the people who created the Declaration of Independence and changed the world.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana territory was owed by the french until the Americans Bought the territory from the french. The Americans bought the territory for 15 million dollars. The Purchase benefited the Americans in some many different ways like America grew almost double its size it also gave the AMericans control of the Mississippi.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journey

    The Lewis and Clark Journey
    Lewis and Clark were hired to explore the Louisiana Territory and discover new plants and animals. They were also hired to make new maps of the territory. Lewis and Clark traveled up the Mississippi River then the Missouri River to find the NorthWest Passage. they could not have completed the journey with out the help of the Native Americans and the one that helped them the most was a 16 year old girl who was married and having a baby named Sacagawea. the Journey was May, 1804 to Sept.1806.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush was all started by a carpenter named James Marshall that saw a shine rock nearby an American River and just as he thought it was gold. Once James had found the first block of gold people from all over world started filling in to California to get their fortunes. And that is what started the American Gold Rush soon everyone who had come to California started finding gold all over the place.
  • The Attack on Fort Sumter

    The Attack on Fort Sumter
    A fort that was in the harbor of Charleston, in South Carolina. On April 12,1861 the Confederates opened fire it was four thirty in the morning and the sound of cannons coming from the harbor woke the whole city up. No one was killed but it has the begging of the Americans in the Civil War.
  • Brown Vs Board of Education

    Brown Vs Board of Education
    In the 1950's five schools segregation cases from Delaware, Kansas, South Carolina, Virgina, and Washinton D.C, The schools came up with the name brown to go against the board of education because of a little girl who was black though she she lived right next to a white school she had to travel across town just to get to school.
  • Dads Birthday

    Dads Birthday
    Its the day my dad came in to the world. The day my dad set out to do great things in life. The day he came to make a difference in the world.
  • Moms Birthday

    Moms Birthday
    the day my mom came in to this world. The day my mom came in to this world to run into burning buildings and save lives. This was the day she came into thins world to grow up and be the greatest mom EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • My Sisters Birthday

    My Sisters Birthday
    The day she was born to save lives. This was the day she came to the world to be my older sister. The day she knew she would have to annoy me:)
  • 9/11 torist attack

    9/11 torist attack
    On September 11th 2001 two planes hit the twin towers in New York City Manhattan. Millions of people didnt know what was going on. When the first plane hit everyone thought it was just an accident but when the second plane hit then everyone knew this was an attack. Everything was shutdown the roads bridges there was no way out then the coast guard called in a signal for all boats to come and help evacuate over 5 thousand people were saved by boat.We Still thank the heros whogave their lives.
  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
    This was the day I was born to help people. The day i came to earth to torture my parents and my older sister. This day everyone will soon know because when i grow up i will do great things in life where everyone will know who i am where i was born and when.