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History class 2020-2021

  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    the Louisiana purchase happened in the year 1803 and helped America by doubling its size and gaining control of the whole Mississippi river which will help them trade and sell.
  • The Lewis And Clark Journey

    The Lewis And Clark Journey
    the Lewis and Clark expedition was a expedition in which Lewis and Clark went and investigated the west/Louisiana territory and made new and accurate maps and found over 300 different types of animal and plant species
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Alamo was a Mexican fort that was captured by the Americans and was used against the Mexicans. the people that captured it were
    Texan volunteers and were led by George Collinsworth and Benjamin Milam
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    the donner family were people who had to resort to eating each other just to live in 6 feet of snow because they took a shortcut that really added 2 weeks to their travel and if they would've went the other way with every one else they would have probably survived and maybe one of them would've died from heat exhaustion or starvation.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California gold rush was a time in history in which California had a great abundance of gold and people came from all over the world just to seek their fortune in California and some made out really well but others not so well. the California gold rush ended then but not before people were killing one another for the gold.
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    my birthday is on June 11 2007 i was born in women and babies hospital and had a lot of lung problems like my 2nd lung on the way down on the right was not made right.